How to start your own business? This question is asked a lot of people today. Working in a company, you can learn from experience, knowledge and skills, but the level of earnings may leave much to be desired. But your own business is completely different, because the person in it is the main one and works for his income.
Josh Kaufman’s book "the personal MBA master of art of business", even if it can help you create your own business, is not a textbook at all. In addition, in the book you will not find any ideas on creating a successful business. The uniqueness of this work is that he will dedicate you to all the details of self-education, including even books that need to be read. And having mastered this skill, you can achieve any goals set for yourself.
About Josh Kaufman
Josh Kaufman Josh Kaufman is a well-known manager, the head of the project "the personal MBA", in which more than a million people take part, and the author of the book with the same name. A man who is outstanding in that he did not finish any educational institutions for management, but is a first-class specialist in this field. Josh Kaufman is self-taught, and everything he knows, he got through reading books and his own work experience.At the beginning of his career, the author consciously decided not to receive a classical business education, but to engage in self-education. And one of the main schools of the day was the company "Procter & Gamble". Reflections are not the topic of how to get knowledge, given in business schools, led to the development of a unique interdisciplinary approach, which has already helped thousands of managers of all kinds of profiles to get the necessary knowledge.
As for the book "the personal MBA", it is included in the Top-10 of the best business books, and can fully replace the MBA diploma.
The book is presented by the author's recommendations on additional literature, an introduction, three large chapters, including his sub-paragraphs, and a block of notes. Below you will find a few basic ideas of the book.
If you are a businessperson or a private entrepreneur, you are likely to be asked if you have an MBA (Master of Business Administration) diploma. It would seem that to successfully conduct business and proudly call yourself an entrepreneur, you need to be the owner of a mass of diplomas and all kinds of papers that will talk about your competence. But did you know that neither Jeff Bezos, Tony Shay, Sergey Brin, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates - none of these people graduated from business schools?!
The thing is that for success in business it does not need to know absolutely everything - it is enough only to understand some basic principles in the chosen sphere. Having mastered them, you can without any help take any decisions.
What is business?
Any business is defined by two basic factors - people and systems. For this reason, the key to success is the definition of the model of thinking and human behavior, as well as understanding the interaction of the repetitive processes that form the basis of any business.
I have an idea?
The basis of business is the creation of consumer value, i.e. offers a person what he really needs. The basis of the idea may be values, for example, product, service, resource, rent, resale, subscription, intermediation, insurance. Particular attention should be paid to the relevance of its proposal and the situation on the market. To help you, you can use a number of criteria, for example, the size of the market, the speed of entering the market, the persistence of consumption.
Risks: how good is your business idea
Strategic assumptions are facts that characterize the real world, and without which your enterprise will not be successful. Many beginning entrepreneurs often make mistakes in strategic assumptions. To prevent and reduce risks to zero, you need to perform shadow testing - testing the proposal before the project is launched.
How to attract attention?
In order to sell the product, it is important that potential customers pay attention to it. For this purpose it is recommended to use special tools: free offers, slogans, stories about the company and others. You can also combine and use these tools in a complex way.
Profitability of your business
If there is no profit, the business cannot exist. For a business to exist, revenues must be higher than costs over time. However, one should not forget that you determine a comfortable volume of profit personally. If you get as much as you need to support the work and to compensate for the time spent and the efforts of employees, you have already achieved results - your business operates.
Third-party financing or self-promotion: what to choose?
Here it is necessary to apply the principle of sufficiency, the meaning of which is as follows: to create a small company is better not to resort to third party financing, which will relinquish control of its business for himself or herself. But you need to understand that the pace of development will be insignificant, and such a business cannot be compared with a business with third-party financing.
The importance of goal setting
Properly set goal allows you to visualize the final result. Do not be afraid to formulate goals accurately, but you should do it in a positive, immediate and concrete form. In the same case, if you understand that your goal is untenable, do not panic - reassess the situation, determine a new goal and start moving towards it.
An experience
In some situations, we compare new events with some patterns that live in our memory, so the more experience we have, the more likely that we will make the right decision. Although decisions should not always be taken, guided by personal experience - from time to time, you should refer to the "database", which will indicate the right direction.
How to manage to do everything and not go insane: everything has its time
To conduct your business effectively, you must always remain calm and control your emotions, especially in this era of overabundance of information. You can concentrate on one task and eliminate all distractions. If there are many tasks, then you just need to group them and allocate your time for each group. Remember that the energy rhythms of a person change all the time, depending on the time of day, and at different times people are differently active.
And what if it does not work out?
This question sets a huge number of people starting their business. And if you tried to do something, but you did not succeed, you can act in two ways: stop and accept that everything is as it is, or try again in the hope of success. And it is the second option that characterizes a person as successful. Persistence ensures the acquisition of skills and knowledge and, as a result, the achievement of success.
On the importance of interaction with people
It does not matter what the specifics of your business are, but the interaction with people - colleagues, partners, customers, etc. - plays an enormous role. And to achieve success in this process, several principles should be used, such as determining the comparative advantages of people, supporting the interests of employees, emphasizing the importance and others.
Once again about the systems
In order for the system to be viable, it must correspond to environmental conditions. If we talk about business, then such conditions are: the availability of a sufficient amount of profit, income and product. However, the environment can be volatile, and so that the business can smoothly adjust to changing circumstances, you must always be flexible. The effectiveness of the business is based on the effectiveness of the system, but in order to improve the system, it is necessary to understand as much as possible how it functions at the moment.
As already mentioned, many people are sure that getting an MBA is a guarantee that a person will become a professional in business. But any business school has its shortcomings: they are expensive, they are cut off from life and do not give any guarantees that you will get a high-paying position. Do you want to spend years of life and a lot of money for a diploma? Perhaps, it is necessary to learn everything yourself, thereby guaranteeing your success?