Corporate companies are probably the least associated with creativity in the world. Which makes keeping creative difficult in such a profession, even though you may try.
More companies are looking for creative people to fill their business with, as they are recognising that a level of creativity brings new life to a person’s work. Which, in turn, means more that there is more freedom to use in the workplace.
So, how can you bring creativity to your everyday work life? Especially in a new and exciting way that proves you are one to watch in your company.
Get Up Early
Creativity doesn’t come when we want it to. It’s one of the unfortunate things in life, but true. But there are things that we can do to give it a little push. Such as getting up that just a little bit earlier every day.
An extra half an hour added onto your day in the morning can mean the difference between a good day and a bad. Especially if you are someone who struggles to balance their creativity personal life and work life. That extra time in the morning can easily be spent working on a project, writing part of your novel or similar before heading off to work later.
Creative Problem Solving
Problems happen. No matter what industry, profession or career you may be pursuing you will find an issue that comes up in your job. However, it is quite an abstract concept. A creative solution to your mind might be quite commonplace and simple to another.
Some examples of this include:
- Brainstorming - generating lots of ideas to hopefully make one stand out as the solution. Very popular form of creatively solving a problem.
- Problem finding - this form of creative problem solving aims to discover what the problem itself is, rather than simply trying to find a solution. This means that a more clear probleme is formed and as a result the solution can also be better tailored.
- Reversal - what does the problem look like on the other foot? That is the method that reversal problem solving uses to come up with a valuable and creative solution.
Get Out of the Office
Sometimes a walk can not only clear your head, but it can add to your creative flow for the day.
A walking lunch is also extremely healthy for you, as even an extra half an hour a day of walking can have great health benefits. It leads to a healthy heart, lower cholesterol and an extra sense of happiness thanks to the endorphins.
So, add a little bit of extra walking to your day and you may see your creativity flare in ways that you have never expected before.
Chase Your Goals
When working in a corporate environment it is easy to forget about our creativity in order to get a leg up in our day to day career. Which is why you should never forget about your creative goals outside of work.
Paint that picture, write that short story and make poetry a staple in every birthday card you send. Try to make creativity just something that you do every do.
Theme Your Days
A theme a day keep the creativity in bay, or so they say. Who are they? Undecided as of yet, but hopefully they will be saying it more after reading this article. But it is definitely a thing, we promise.
Some days you could have a day themed around bunny rabbits and the next it could be all about lightsabers, or whatever else your imagination can conjure up. Whatever it is, make sure to put it as your background and go back to it every so often. Reminding yourself of your theme can put a smile on your face, if nothing else.
Most people use a quote to put a theme to their day and this also works. Though it is much less cute than a bunny photograph.
Post It Notes
Sometimes we need a reminder that creativity is out there, even if it’s not quite in the way we expect. That’s where colourful post it notes come in to save the day.
A post it note can remind you of your goals, give you the creative push you need to get to 5pm or just be some happy words to make you smile. Whatever you use them for, just make sure that you use them in creative ways.
Protect Yourself
Sometimes, the worry of what could be ruins your everyday creativity. Investing in PI insurance or something similar can be the best way to negate this fear, bringing back some more worry-free creativity into your work day.
And there you have it, the best ways to keep your creativity up to scratch when it comes to a corporate environment. There’s plenty of ways to make creativity just something that you do, rather than something which you force into your day. So, don’t be afraid to do it! You never know, it could be the perfect step to your next promotion!