Corporate Lesson # 9

in business •  7 years ago 

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When the body was created, all parts of it wanted to be Boss. The brain said:
-I have to be a boss because I control all the functions of the body.
The legs said:
-We must be bosses because we carry the brain around where it wants.
The hands said:
-We must be bosses because we do all the work and we make money.
And then it was the heart, the lung, the eyes, until finally the ass wanted to be a boss. All parts started laughing at the idea.
Then the ass blocked and refused to work. After a while the eyes began to close, the hands paralyzed, the legs numb, the heart and the lungs panic, and the brain fell into fever. After all, everyone decided that the asshole should be a boss and things passed. All parts did their job, while the Boss was sitting and throwing the junk out (shi*t).

Business Lesson

You do not have to be a brain to be a boss - every asshole can be

Source: my post 6 years ago

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