Over the past years, many so called MLM or Multi-level Marketing companies had emerged. Individuals, who called themselves as net workers are somewhat baffled and confused except for a few who had made their way up. These few individuals are the leader-type-person that worked hard and smart. Exceptionally, only some of the few had achieved the point of being leveraged by the system.
Back here in the Philippines, these fast emerging fly-by-night so-called brand new MLM companies are rampant and widespread. Newly created and fashioned to the whims and wits of the owners, hundreds and thousands are hyped across the nation, only left with the idea that there is something more in becoming a millionaire. Some will eventually succeed but not all. Then how about the exaggeration and hyping strategy of all these loud and aggressive personalities. The end result is that, many are scammed and swindled by the thought and idea of becoming a Millionaire at an instant.
One should properly understand the nature of the business before deciding to act on it. MLM companies are one of the fastest growing companies ever to dominate the market economy. Only by a deep understanding and determined commitment do some of the few reached the top. Everything is not that all too easy.
UpVoted @jabez518 and I am wondering with a delight to know, any MLM company started and is still performing till today..?
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e follow nya ko kuya heheheh
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Amway and Herbalife are two I can think of but there are many. Here's another one: Mary Kay cosmetics. They give top performers a PINK CADILLAC!
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