If you’re running a small biz team, then you might have been reading about how to get them united and working better. Inevitably, this means the curse of team building has crossed your mind. Nobody wants to go “trust falling” or any of the other clichés you have in mind.
What you do want is something that builds bonds and creates friendships while re-energizing your workers and increasing morale. Whether you’re looking at a 10 hour workshop this weekend – no, don’t: these people have families and a social life! – or physical challenge – no, don’t: not everyone wants to reveal that their muscles are made of jello! – then here’s what you should consider if you really want to make it work.
First, people want to hang out with people they like. That’s hardly rocket science, but if you can build from that and create small exercises that build bonds by getting workers to know each other better, your team building will go a lot better.
Better yet, because this is all about people rather than paying someone else to make everyone feel unhappy, it costs next to nothing. Show and tell games let employees reveal little details about them. Scavenger hunts are a great way to build a team while encouraging a bit of competition.
You should also be making people aware that these aren’t just “games” – they’re also ways to build the team. That lets them in on the secret and why they’re doing this and helps them realize what you’re trying to achieve – without having to go on 10 hour workshops, go paintballing, or abseiling off cliffs.
Try it – you’ll find the results go a lot further!