Being busy isn't success.

in business •  7 years ago 

Once our start up is up and running its easy to think that just because we are busy we will make it.

This is not necessarily the case. Busy does not necessarily equal success

There is often a huge difference between hard work and smart work. That does not mean that smart work is never hard but it does recognize that the hardest work is not always the smartest and most productive.

Spinning wheels takes lots of energy but results in zero forward momentum. We should be constantly evaluating our efforts and quantifying results. Those efforts that deliver the best results should be focused and expanded upon and those that deliver poor results should be abandoned.

One of the smartest things we can do is retaining customers. Customers can be difficult to find and the last couple of post have been about how to go about it. Once found customers must be retained or converted from being one-time clients or interested parties to loyal customers.

Loyal customers are created by engaging with them, listening to them, meeting their needs and creating positive experiences for them. The cost of finding new customers is often far higher than the costs of keeping current ones.

We need to be creative and constantly thinking of new/better ways to retain our customers, trialing these methods and identifying those that work best.

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I've always been a fan of the term "busy idiot". I remember the first time I heard it was from Gordon Ramsay, in Kitchen Nightmares.

The person he said it to got furious because he thought he was calling him an idiot.

He missed the point that it's all about being busy at the wrong things.

Also worth watching "Procrastination", a Tales of Mere Existence short by by Lev Yilmaz

That repetition of "getting stuff done" really gets me, every damn time.

Good term “busy idiot” 👌

Oh yes I remember that episode. When in doubt, imagine what Gordon would say.


That is well said being busy doesn't mean success. You having a handful job doesn't mean you are making money. Some people don't need to work so hard before they make money. Smart work is far better than hard work. People mistake them for each other. There is something they say at my work place, my boss always shout "Smart Hustle" not hard work . There is an adage said in my country "Hard work doesn't mean money". So we need to work smart and not hard

plz Upvote & Followed

Being busy doesn’t equal success. You can deliver more to your team if you pull inefficiencies out of your schedule and create an upward spiral of success through goal achievement, generating value, and engaging your team deeply. @sme

Thanks for the tip. I have seen people who are busy and yet they seem to nowhere. There is something about multitasking, working on many projects make you so busy but yield less productivity at any of the projects.

This is not necessarily the case. Busy does not necessarily equal success.

Got it.

You say it, always. I remember, in my previous workplace, when I went there as a new employee: when I needed help in some new things there, some workers could just say: "I am busy, I don't really have time to help you! get someone else." Those who helped me and had all the time needed, they climbed up the ladder to higher places when these "busy" ones were stuck in their positions at work and nothing changed in their position. Quite awesome

yup, the customer is always right. This is a good thing to remember as a customer, a good business will want to keep your business. Give them an opportunity to give you a discount.

The myth? It’s that all it takes to succeed is hard work.

I have seen lives destroyed by that myth, more than once.

For example: I’ve had a few conversations with a smart scientist who works for a hard-driving, work-all-the-time boss at a major university. This hard-driving boss is in the lab all the time. Nights. Weekends. Days.

No social life. Health problems. Unhappy employees.

In the past few years, this hard-driving boss has had trouble getting grant funding to keep her lab running.

Her response? Everyone must work harder.

Has that solved the problem with funding? No.

It’s only tanked morale further. It’s gotten the boss more stressed than ever. The boss has made increasingly poor decisions. Her health has degenerated. She’s having family problems.

She continues to submit grant proposals that get rejected, and her answer is to work harder and submit even more of them. (There’s a hard and fast limit to how many really good proposals anyone can write per year, so more proposals means lower quality – it doesn’t help the odds to submit more half-baked grant proposals)

She’s running around “working hard” as a substitute for “working smart.”

Being a professor is an extremely difficult job. This is a common story of what happens in the physical sciences in academia.

Yes, I really agree with you. Hard working does not always mean success. It is important doing well. For that, we have to continue thinking. you are right.

I love this write up. Thank you for enlightening us. Weldone

That is well said being busy doesn't mean success. You having a handful job doesn't mean you are making money. Some people don't need to work so hard before they make money. Smart work is far better than hard work. People mistake them for each other. There is something they say at my work place, my boss always shout "Smart Hustle" not hard work .

I agree being busy does not equal success.

In fact, there's a big difference between being busy and being productive.

As Stephen Covey said

"We may be very busy, we may be very 'efficient', but we will also be truly 'effective' only when we begin with the end in mind."


A lot of businesses under-estimate the value of a paying customer. It's a lot easier to keep a customer happy than it is to get a new one. Sales is an important function, but customer service is much more important.

yes !!!! whn u brkup wd ur ex n hings aint been good fr them.... #success :D

It starts from 5 to 25 folds to acquire new customer in comparison to retaining old ones. That is why big businesses have customer relationship management system and loyality programs.

This is so true. Someone can be very busy all day yet unsuccessful

Great post tnx for sharing steemit all the way check out my new post upvote resteem comment @gclipse

Your post regarding business is very impressive and have great information. To follow your views regarding business one can have success. Thanks for sharing.

as busy as anything in the work is okay friends important we must realize the ideals for the future thank you very much for sharing your post

Quality comes from quantity. Before one can work smart, they have to acquire knowledge by working hard.

I am busy funding new projects with Ventureo and I love it !

The typical employee mindset is to always look busy in order to lock the future in. The smart employee looks at improving process and efficiencies. The later moves up the ladder

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


done baby