Smelling of the mouth is an uncomfortable matter. The smell of your mouth will give birth to negative thoughts about you, talking to someone who is important to you. The stench of the mouth is usually called Acid Breath or Bed Breast. If there is a sinus problem, if the mouth is not clean, if the mouth does not get the right water, if the mouth is not beneficial, then there are many diseases of the teeth and gums, usually due to bad odor. Those who simply can not clean stomachs without cleaning the face, follow the following domestic method, it will work faster to eliminate stench.
one tablespoon of lemon juice, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, two teaspoons of honey.
How to Make:
First take all the ingredients in a container, pour a little water into it. Make sure to mix all the ingredients well. Grab it with the mouth or gaggle. After a few minutes, wash your face. Do it at least twice a day to prevent full stomachache.
The juice of lemon juice, cinnamon and honey is very effective in removing the smell of the mouth. The lemon contains natural cleaning elements. It reduces dirt and plaque; Refreshes the face. Honey works to produce saliva well on the mouth. If the mouth is dry, it is bad. And cinnamon is beneficial to remove stink.
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