Fact Check: Is Your Country Sovereign?

in busy •  7 years ago  (edited)


"A nation's sovereignty lies in the Right to Issue Money and the Right to Control Foreign Policy" ~Eustace Mullins

You can call the man whatever you want, he's not here anymore to defend himself, the Wikipedia page dedicated for him tells tons about labeling those who do not adopt the anti-Judaic, anti-Christian and anti-Islamic Zionism doctrine as a way of life:


By the way, did they get his nationality right? I didn't know there's an 'American' nationality, I know there are USAians or USAese, depending on one's origin.

Read: The Real Decision Makers in the United States of America

But you have to agree that what he's quoted above saying is a fact, before shooting the messenger.

Now do yourself a favor and check based on the above whether your country is sovereign?

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For sure many countries fall to be sovereign based on this check, starting with the USA itself thus all the countries it controls.

gotta love Wikipedia and their totally unbiased pages...
/sarcasm off

The war of knowledge is massive and they are actively working on altering it to support their narratives being funded by the US tax payers.

YouTube removed the video so I uploaded it here https://steemit.com/news/@arabisouri/mnvuzsvu and in case Dtube stops playing older videos like they did with mine I made another copy on BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZgHZPNYGyyQy/