Grilled milkfish with soy sauce

in busy •  7 years ago 




About Photos :


In the photo above shows the fish that is being burned with a spread of soy sauce on it.

After the fish is cooked, the fish will be served with soy sauce, soy sauce is a mixture of onion slices, tomatoes, cayenne pepper and palm sugar.


Foto di atas memperlihatkan ikan bandeng yang sedang dibakar dengan olesan bumbu diatasnya.

Setelah ikan matang, ikan tersebut akan di sajikan dengan saus kecap, saus kecap merupakan campuran dari irisan bawang merah, tomat, cabe rawit dan gula aren.

Camera :

Using the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x Camera

First Photo :

| f/2.0 | 1/362 | ISO-100 |

Second Photo :

| f/2.0 | 1/400 | ISO-100 |

Third Photo :

| f/2.0 | 1/390 | ISO-100 |

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Wow yummy

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