Witch hunting is not a new topic or situation and it dates back to as early as the 13th century,though this is not the date for when it began in it lightest form. In Europe, it was mostly carried out by the people of the church who believed that certain persons were under satanic influence.
This is how witches were punished when convicted.
This is a witch at trial in Europe
The witch hunting system improved and gained popularity till the point that it had a court where this witches were tried,questioned, probed and condemned to . However, the last time such practices took place in Europe was in the 18th century but this is not to be so all over the world as witch hunting continues yo this very day in Africa.
Africa and Witch hunting
Recent report has it that the practise of witch hunting is quite prevalent in sub-Sahara Africa especially in countries like Nigeria, Kenya,South Africa, Cameroon,Malawi ,Ghaana,Gambia,Benin, Angola,etc
This witch hunt activities are usually very violent except for rare cases in some societies. The practise of witch hunting is widespread in different African cultures and norms,it comes with allegations and violent abuses against it victim.
This practise is an abuse of human right and it stands against human right development. Moreso,it is a challenge to African renaissance and enlightenment. The belief in witchcraft threatens human dignity,intellectual awakening,mental growth ,moral and cultural development in the continent.
Allegation of Witchcraft is a sensitive issue as it evokes fear,mistrust, hate,fear and apprehension in the hearts and minds of people. This allegation has been known to poison and corrupt relationships among family members and friends as the accused will be treated with suspicion, hate,disgust, fear and segregated from others in certain activities.
Africans,especially Nigerians attribute poverty, ill-health,misfortunes or death to attacks by witches. Those accused of witchcraft are treated mercilessly and without compassion. Several of them go through severe torture and dangerous ordeals.They are attacked, lynched, tortured and even further exiled from home. They are made to drink poisonous concoctions and substances in a bid to confirm or disable the powers in them. This activity has led to the death of several unaccounted-for persons. Witch hunting is clear cut show of developmental failure in Africa.
Likely Victims
- Widows
- Children
- Aged persons
These are children accused of witchcraft and they were exiled from home.
Widows are accused as witches when their husbands suddenly die of unexplainable circumstances.
Children are accused of witchcraft when they suddenly start breaking plates in the house,spoil home appliances,act stubborn,talk and laugh in their sleep,sleepwalk,etc.
Aged persons are accused of witchcraft when they live long,when they lose a child or relative to mysterious circumstances, etc.
In Nigeria,children suffer alot when they become suspects of witchcrafts. Some of them are thrown out and abandoned by their families, this where a certain percentage of homeless children that are seen on the streets come from.
More so, some churches also contribute to this mayhem. There are situations where some pastors claim they have special grace for discovering witches and deliver possessed people.
These are posters of church programs that are aimed at dealing with witches and witchcraft.
At these programs, people are accused of witchcraft and deliverance is conducted. This deliverance entails flogging the accused with canes,pouring of olive oils into their eyes,gruesome beatings all in a bid to confess to the allegations.
This is very devastating as these activities always have destructive consequences.
I today stand to speak against this barbaric practice keeping the African society backward. This kind of practice negates development and is detrimental to economic growth.
These are sites where stories of witchhunting , visit for more info
Images Source: google.com