The controversial description of men and women.

in busy •  7 years ago 

Why do people feel women can't do somethings?
Why do they feel that her mind is limited?
Why do they think most of them can't be CEOs?

From what I have noticed so far I think this is what a norm think of women

Man for the field and woman for the hearth
Man for the sword and woman for the needle
Man with the head and woman with the heart
Man to command and woman to obey.

Though things are beginning to get better now but I feel people still see us as discribed above.

I joined a Crypto currency group and because I know little about Crypto I share with them once in a while,I go extra mile to transact business with fellow group members, most times I sell on behalf of others (the middle woman play) and after the transaction I see something like "Thanks bro" and I am like " I am a lady not a guy". This repeated on several occasions.

I also noticed something else, what is usually the first question people ask parents on the birth of a child? Probably not “How much does the baby weight?” No, that question usually comes further down the line. What about, “Is the baby healthy?” Sometimes, they do ask that but typically not yes, what you hear is " is the baby male or female?.

In my part of the country, a male child has to be born because the family lagacy has to be. On the surface this might seem innocuous but in reality, it has to do with social and even ethical consequences.

Men are seen as people who are tough, independent, not emotional, protective, strong, competitive, competent, goal oriented, makers and fixers of things and others, On the lady's side, most commonly used description are; caring, nurturing, emotional, sensitive, expressive, caretakers of others, often disregarding their own needs, good cooks, concerned with physical appearance etc.

Imagine what it would be like if after you were born, you were immediately placed in a dark and silent room where you had no contact with any other human for so many years, though your basic bodily needs for food and elimination of waste were met. In such a situation what kind of person will you end up being, what will be your values, your personality, your emotions and your attitude in general?

The way we see men and women is actually as a result of the way our social nature has affected us, right from the day the Child was born, the physician announces "it a boy or girl" we become gendered.
Social customs and Norms has continually created preconceptions about the "sexes", for example where men are described as enthusiastic and passionate a woman is seen as an emotional person or on the rag, where a man is seen as confident or firm, a lady is seen 18-1366293756-ego.jpgas sturborn and bitchy.

How do we resolve this controvasial issue?

When we start seeing everyone as " human" not "men and women" , I think most part of the issue will be resolved. Then, when we start transacting with someone we haven't seen don't conclude its a male, find out the person's genger and continue.

Even though she is a lady, she can do well anywhere.

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I understand where you are coming from but the truth is men and women are not equal.

What do you mean men and women are not equal?

How do you mean...could you explain with illustrations?

Please give your points

I experience the crypto group stuff often