How are you all Hopefully good If there is any mistake, you will see forgiveness. I do not speak anymore.Mohakobi Sheikh
The real name is Sharfuddin. The nickname is Mislehuddin. Sadi is the title or title. He is not the real name, he has become familiar with the people of the world, with the title 'Saadi'. That means, named Sheikh Saadi. It is known that Kabir Aba was the secretary of King Atabak Saad Ben Jangir of the then Siraj. The poet himself used to write poetry during the reign of Saqlaben Saad Jangir, that is why he added the title of Sadi with his name and later became known as Sheikh Sadi.
There is considerable disagreement about the birth of Sheikh Saadir. Nevertheless, he is said to be born in 580 AH in 1184 AD. According to the date of death, according to 691 AH, 1292 AD
Sheikh Sadi crossed the childhood with the helper father. Sadi, who is seen by his father, becomes accustomed to praying, fasting and night worship. He spent considerable time in the study of the Quran in his father's zeal. It can be said that the sage became idealistic in the ideals of father Sheikh Sheikh.
Sadir's father died during childhood. After the death of his father, Sadi continued to grow under the supervision of virtuous and virtuous mother. At this time he became a scholar's friend. He is his respected mama Allama Kutubuddin Shiraz. Who was one of Halqu Khan's darbari friends.
There is nothing much in historical sources about his childhood. But there are some surprising facts from his own writings. For example, when he was very young, he used to buy his father for a 'takhti' and to buy a gold ring for his fingers. But a sweet seller shuffles the ring with a sweet smell of sweet poisons. Although the ring is lost, it is difficult to understand that the poet liked sweet too.Once on Eid day, Sheikh Sadi was walking on the edge of his father's dress, so that he would not be separated from his father. But on the way, watching the boys in the streets, leaving the edge of the shade, he rallied in his team. Later, when Sheikh Sadir's father got him back, he got angry and said, "Ass! I told you not to wear clothes. "
It is known that once he spent the whole night with his father in the service of Ibn Abbas. At that time the others in the house were unconscious sleeping. Seeing this, Sadi said to his father, 'See, these people are sleeping without being cognizant. No one is lucky to have two rak'at prayers. 'Sadir's father replied,' If you would have been better if you were to sleep; Then refrain from gossip. '
Sheikh Sadi's primary education was with his great father. She is orphan at an early age. During this time, he came in contact with the eminent scholar of Shiraz and collected knowledge.
Initially, he was admitted to Gachdia Madrasa, established by Sultan Gachdaula of Siraj. Later he took lessons in some other madrasa. During this time the country's ruling Atacab was indifferent to the formation of the country due to the militant country being busy in the war. As a result, there was no environment of education in the unstable environment of the country. In this situation, Sheikh Sadi went to Baghdad for higher education and was admitted to the famous Madrasah Nizamiyah. Mutuvalli was the head of the madrasa, Sheikh Ali Ishaq Shiraz, the famous alim of the Shiraz. Sheikh Sadi briefly signed his talent and received scholarship.
While studying in Madrasa Nizamia, he studied the Hadith scripture at the time of the world-famous scholar Allama Abul Farz Abdur Rahman Ibn Jawwi. This person was the Imam of Tafseer and Hadis Ibn Jauzi was the author of numerous books in Arabic. Sheikh Saadi Allama Sahabuddin Suhrawadi got the company.
Though Shaikh Saad preferred fakiris and saintly life, although he was a child, he gave more importance to knowledge. He himself said, 'The saint is only trying to save himself. On the other hand, the scholars are trying to save themselves and other sinking people.
Sheikh Sadi ends up in the country after completing his studies in Baghdad. He traveled extensively in Asia and Africa countries. He shared his long life in this way:
30 years of study
Thirty years in the country's journey
Writing the book for 30 years
Thirty years of spiritual thinking
It is heard that the four stages of his life are fulfilled the day he died or he died. Sheikh Sadi, who was traveling in the country, gained such scholarship that he was able to acquire eighteen languages. There were many languages in it like their mother tongue. And he travels so many countries that none of the Eastern domestic tourists have traveled so much without Ibn Battuta. Surprisingly, he performed Hajj on foot fourteen times. During his visit, he has deposited numerous rivers including the Indian Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Oman Sea, the Arabian Sea etc. And there are many monkeys pearls, diamonds and jewels in the state of knowledge that have been stored.
While traveling to the country, Sheikh Sadi took refuge in the jungle in Palestine after a crackdown on the Damascus people for some reason. But during this time, he was unfortunately arrested by the then Christians. The Christians engage in the work of digging the pitcher with the Jewish prisoners from Bulgaria and Hungary. One day fortunately one of his father's friends saw him in this condition. He liberated him with ten dirham ransom and set one hundred Ashrafi danmohar to marry his daughter. But this marriage did not last long because Sadi's wife was utterly talkative. One day he said to Sadi, 'Have you forgotten your past life? You are the one whom my father has freed me with ten ropes. "The poet replied in the answer, 'Yes, he has rescued ten tenures and returned again with one hundred Ashrafi.'
One of the events of India's journey mentioned in his Bustaan poetry. The incident is Somnath Temple. The incident happened in the mouth of the poet, "When I came to Somnath, I was surprised to see thousands of people worshiping their idol worshipers. Thousands of living people pray to Mankamana Siddhi to a lifeless statue. "
One day I went to a Brahmin and asked for his secret. The Brahmin had called me to worship the devotees of the temple- they came and filled me with anger and I saw the dangers of them, and I said, 'I am not trying to insult your god.' Then I am new here, know how to worship this great deity I did not want to know. Teach me to do just that.
The worshipers were happy and taught me the type of worship and took them to the temple. They also said, while staying in the temple tonight you can see the power of this god.
I spent the whole night in the temple. Before the dawn, numerous wives entered the temple. Then the statue lifted a hand and blessed the worshipers. Then everyone won the win. Then all of us feel secure. The Brahmin laughs at me, say what, now believe me!
I cried externally and apologized for my folly. Then Brahmanas took me to the idol with kindness and I respected them by kissing his hand. Then, as a true Brahmin, I started going to the temple safely.
And when all went out one night, I closed the door of the temple and went to the statue and asked for its curve.I saw an idol under the cover of a statue sitting on the back of a statue. Tied with a statue of Rash. When the worshiper pulled the rope, the hand of the statue went up and the common people danced to him as the power of the image.
When he came from behind the cover of the priest's screen, I learned the secret of their secret, so he ran away. I was afraid of life and took him to a well.
Then he left Somnath on the night. On the way to India, I reached Hajj on a long journey.
Sheikh Saadhi is one of the most famous writers of the world. His invented booklists and buntsa are the invaluable wealth of world literature. Many people think that the study of Persian literature remained incomplete except for two studies. This book is known as 'Sadi Naha' by the two together. The book on morality is Bucasa. And the guideline of ethics is the guillotine In Gulistan, the author served the story in a very simple, heartfelt language with the hope of morality. There is poetry in it. Even the quote of the Quran has been used by the author to make his speech beautiful and strong.
Sadi was a master of great poetic talent. In this regard, Maulana Abdur Rahman Jami said, "Rumir Masnabi, Anwar's Kasida and Sadi Gazal are similar." He also believed that Shaikh Saadi is a better writer than world famous author Amir Khasru. However, Amir Khasruu also acknowledged Shaheed Sadi as a ghazal in his 'Sepah Masnabi'.
There is a wonderful story about Sheikh Sadi's poetry genre. The story is that a person of Shari'a was skeptical about the poet's genius. One night, the man saw in a dream that one of the angels came down to the ground with the light of a light. The person asked, what is the matter? The angel replied, "A poem of Sadi has been accepted in the court of Allah - that is the gift of Paradise." The poem is:
In the eyes of the wise
The green leaves of the tree
God's theory
One Book
When the person woke up, he went to know the good news about Sadir Ghazali that night. Wonder! She saw that Sheikh shadi is reading that poem in a bright lamp. '
Another incident, Sheikh Saadi has become very famous all over the country. One day he went to visit Kashaghar 16 miles from Siraj. He went there and found that the elderly people knew his name and were fascinated by his poetic talent.
Sadi got up at the Jama Masjid in Kashgar There a student Allama Zamkhishri took a hand and said, 'Korabe Zaid Mir'.
Sheikh Sadi, who heard the student, said, "There has been a peace between Khawarma and his enemy, but Zaid and Mir are still fighting." The student said to Sadi, where is the country of Mr.
But you know Sadi. Do you hear two words?
Saadi said some words in Arabic.
If two people used to pronounce a Persian word. The student said.
Sadi was presenting a French boy.
Later when the student came to know that 'This is the Mohakavi Sheikh Saadi. Then he apologized to the poet and said, 'If I had stayed for some time in Kashgar, I would have done my duty.'
But Sadi could not stay in Kashgar. He went from there to Tiberias.
Many English writers have termed Sheikh Sadi as Shakespeare in the East.
Famous books of Shaikh Saadi are:
- Gulisatan2 Booth 3 Korima 4 Sahabiya 5 Kasaid Farsi 6 Kasaida Arabiya 7 Gazalat 8. Cottage
Bustan and Gulistan are the two most popular in Asia. Many of these texts have become proverbs in Persian literature.
According to the scholars, the fourth best text in Persian is better than prose and verses. It is-
Mohakabi Ferdawi's --- Shahnama
Jalaluddin Rumi's
Shamsuddin Hafizey --- Diwan
And Sheikh Saadi ----- Gulistan
Gulistan is full of admirable excellent stories. For example, 'a king gave death to a criminal. When the man pleaded with a lot of kindness, when he did not do anything, the king was cursed. Unable to understand the words of the king, he asked Wazir what he said.
The Wazir was of good mood, so he said to the benefit of the person: The person of Huzur is saying - Whoever commits crimes by controlling anger, is a friend of God. Upon hearing this, the king ordered the man to be happy. Another jealous person was jealous. He interrupted and said, Huzur is the lie. The man said bad to you.
The king said, "Your words are true, but worse than the other lieutenants." Because it was the purpose of the well-being and the desire for your insults. "The king made the person wrong.
Such stories are filled with stories of which Gulistan has no other world literature. Sheikh Sadi was physically very strong. Trouble was also very generous. He traveled the country after the country on foot. Mountains, mountains, deserts, rivers, and rivers all under his feet. Even he has barely passed these paths like fakir saint.
The sufferers know about the various types of sorrows that come with such trips. There are many dangers in Sheikh Saadi life, and he has accepted it naturally. But once he could not hold himself. In the case of Gulistan, he wrote, "I have never complained about the hardness of the times and the brutality of the sky. But once I could not be patient. I did not have shoes on my feet and there was no money like shoes. Then I went to the mosque of Kufa feeling overwhelmed. I saw a man lying there and there was no foot. Then I remembered thanking God and keeping myself barefoot.
Sheikh Sadi has seen many different events in his long life. He saw the rise of various dynasties.He saw Vizier's son begging. The beggar saw the wizards and went to forest. He also saw the beauty of the Muslim empire, as well as the fall scenario. In front of him, seven lakh Muslims were killed in the hands of Talatans. Khurasan's four cities, Balakh, Marad, Herat and Nishapur were seen to be destroyed.
Sheikh Sadi has been facing big famine. During this time he saw how people died due to hunger. He himself said in Arabic a morsiya-
After the abolition of the Abbasid Khilafat
That has been the solution
God help her
Zayede danger
Umar's eyes will open.
According to this great scholar Kabikul Shiromani Sheikh Saadi 691 AH, in 1292 AD, he died in Shiraz city at the end of the reign of Atbakan dynasty. At the time of his death, he was one hundred and twenty years old. The poet was buried in the poem on the foothill of a hill about one mile east of Dilkusha of Siraj city.