Busy deleted my draft...

in busy •  7 years ago 

I just wrote something in the "draft" section of Busy.org. And it deleted it when I started typing in tags. Guess it wasn't that important. Except, you know the time it took for me to do it. It's my own fault for trusting the platform.

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Ouch! eso es doloroso...pero hay que seguir hacia adelante a pesar de las adversidades.

This statement is only true if a person feels they want to continue with the platform. Nobody has to "move forward" despite the adversities of any given platform if said adversities are not working for them, their lifestyle, their needs, etc. If a person feels committed to a platform, then YES, they should move forward despite the adversities.

However, it is not wrong to talk about the displeasure of some of (or lack thereof) of the features of any given platform. It's a social media -- NOT my corporate boardroom, where such positive speak is required all the time.

Just sayin'.

Yes, I have begun to write outside, and copy paste it. Saves me yelling at my computer, LOL!

I didn't know that was a "thing" until now. So yes, I'll have to start doing the same.

It also give you easy storage of your work, and a spell checker. :P