JENGKOL (Plantae) Boh Jreng (Aceh)

in busy •  7 years ago 

this is the fruit of Jengkol, Some people of Aceh call it with Boh Jreng. Many people are addicted to this fruit and do not lose too many who do not like this fruit.
When talking about Aceh, of course, it is also typical of Aceh food. Well, jengkol most people by making Kuah Rendang the most popular in Aceh.
Ken is in great demand. His seeds are ripe, but they turn soft and tender after being boiled or slightly tough after frying. This is the texture that makes it popular, although some people also like the consumption of young seeds in a raw state that is much harder and bitter. Seed shells have a purplish-colored sap that leaves a difficult trail removed from clothing. The older, the color of the seeds will lead to yellow and finally red or brown after really mature.
Talk about nutrition contained in jengkol. This fruit has vitamins, jenggolat acid, high fiber and minerals. because of this fruit many side effects then to consume it must be very limited.

okay now we go to the problem of side effects from consuming excess jengkol fruit.
if eating too much jengkol he will interfere with health because it causes the buildup of crystals in the urinary tract. that's all I know about jengkol.



Is picking jengkol on the tree

The fruit is scattered on the ground after picking.


After all collected. the fruit is ready to be brought for sale

Processing jengkol fruit mixed with delicious sauteed noodles.

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model nya terlalu keren ya @nurdindidin , hehe

Hehe iya jadi super kan... sedang post steemit katanya.. hehehe

garang sekali abg yg pakek topi ya . hahaha @nurdindidin

Boh Jawa nyan

boh jawa lam papeun brok... hehehe