This is the difference between ulcer pain and gastric ulcers

in busy •  7 years ago 



Ulcer disease or gastritis comes from the word gaster which means stomach and itis which means inflammation / swelling. Gastritis is an inflammatory process limited to the mucosal and submucosal lining of the stomach wall.

Meanwhile, inflammation of the stomach can be caused by a gastric mucosal protection system that can no longer protect the stomach. Usually this happens because of exposure to various substances that adversely harm.

Gastric Stomach

Tukak is a stomach mucosal damage that causes local injury and inflammation in the area of injury.
If the gastritis only occurs inflammatory processes, in the ulcer there has been damage that caused injury or loss of a portion of the stomach wall. It can cause life-threatening bleeding.

The main cause of gastric ulcers is generally the same as gastritis. Starting from the production of excess stomach acid, the consumption of food and drugs that can irritate the stomach, as well as bacterial infections

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