The deceased Hugo Chávez in life pronounced a phrase that the minority madurista was very clear when he said that hungry, without clothes, if we have nothing to eat we must continue supporting the revolution, I have talked with very close people who live complaining about the situation but when you ask who they are going to vote for, they tell you that Nicolás is mature, you check their refrigerators, their dress, they find themselves in a precarious state and justify the situation arguing that everything is the fault of the empire, if you talk about the high Inflation that we suffer repeat that it is induced, transport is also the cause of economic war, there is no way to beat them when fanaticism is at that level.
There are people who left the country because of the situation and even support the government, how do you explain that? Without exaggeration, there is no serious problem in certain people, so many contradictions are not normal, the maduristas suffer a kind of "Stockholm syndrome" "The worse your situation is, the more you want to mature, thank God these people are minorities, we are still conscious and lucid people who do not lose our critical sense and soberly analyze what is happening, those who read me ask them to question everything, do not believe in blind faith, infallible leader does not exist, many believed that Chávez was and look how we are, good but while we are like this.