Winning Souls Through the Power of the Word

in busy •  7 years ago  (edited)

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There is a call of God on each and every one of us lives to live an exemplary life as a disciple of Christ, doing good, preaching the gospel and winning souls as Jesus Christ did and not with the eloquence of words, but in power, in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance as 2nd Thessalonians 1:5 admonishes us on how the gospel is to be preached.
John Wesley when asked by a minister on how to increase membership in a church said IF THE PREACHER WILL BURN, OTHERS WILL COME AND SEE THE FIRE. These are men that preached to thousands of people with no mike but the sound of their voice. George Whitefield at age 25 was preaching open-air to about 60,000 souls listen ardently to his voice (He was a good orator). It is not that these men had outstanding intellectual capacity but the had superb unction of the spirit to minister to men, and these power does not come cheap, it requires consecration unto God. It requires seeking God with all your heart for the salvation of your soul and the salvation of men.

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These same preachers left all and committed their lives to the word and prayer, they were able to bring total transformation to the United States. Benjamin Franklin confessed that he always wanted to watch George Whitefield preach so that he could see him burn for hours, these men had a holy fire, a powerful charsima that only God can bestow through his holy spirit. These men were faithful to the work of God even if it got tough. They faced danger from the society yet confronted with that danger, the chose to boldly declare the gospel to all men.

Pleasure and I have Parted Ways, We Shall Never Meet Again
These are the words of John Wesley, talking about the leaving the pleasures of sin and earthly pleasure for Christ. He traveled great distances to preach, preached thrice a day. At a time while preaching open-air at a riverbank, an angry mob came against him, he dived into the water, swam to the otherside and continued preaching there!!! Such is the fire will need today, such is the kind of price we need to pay if we want to see the mighty hand of God move in this generation.

These are no more the last days, no, this is the last hour, and because of this the love of many will are waxing cold as the word of God accurately prophesied. WE NEED TO BE THE ONES TO SET THE WORLD ABLAZE as Jesus Christ did, we need to be the one to take the reins of the gospel and the lead the way to Christ. We need to cause dramatic change by the power of the gospel, but we cannot do that without the enablement of the spirit, we require not just the baptism of the Holy Spirit but renewal of the fire within us, because the tendency of fire is to go out, so we must always pray and ask for more of His fire, we must always ask to burn out for Him, we must always ask to spend and be spent for HIm, we must ask for his divine hand upon our spiritual best.

Prayer: Lord Anoint me with your Holy fire, teach me to be diligent in your work, give me the enablement to declare the gospel with all boldness, let my words be fire in the hearts of men, help O Lord! Guard my heart, and keep me as the apple of thine eyes cover me with your wings as I lead millions to Christ. Such is the Outcry of my heart. Amen.

You Must Preach the Gospel
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Do not make the sufferings of Christ in vain, he died for the whole world, if you are saved, it will be wickedness not care when your fellow brother is perishing, preach Christ to the world. Let the world know that the power of the is great, even far greater than sin and death

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One of the best delights that we can have as Christians is the delight of driving somebody to Christ. Consider it! You and I can be God's instruments in the salvation of others. Who can have the benefit of driving individuals to Christ? Any adherent! This isn't crafted by only a couple of select individuals. Each Christian is called upon to witness for Christ, and each Christian can be a spirit champ. The Lord Jesus stated,

"follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Why is it so imperative to figure out how to win others to Christ? On account of the estimation of a human soul. Why is the human soul of such extraordinary esteem? Since it will live until the end of time. Each individual you meet has a spirit that will live perpetually—either in the endowments of Heaven or in the agonies of hellfire. Each individual you meet has a spirit that will live perpetually—either in the endowments of Heaven or in the agonies of hellfire.

"He who accepts on the Son has everlasting life: and he who does not trust the Son should not see life; but rather the fury of God stands on him." John 3:36

God esteems the souls of men so exceedingly that He sent His Son to kick the bucket on the cross that men may be spared. When we perceive how valuable all men are to God, we will do everything we can to win them to Christ.

Just like your first image said, " there are thousands of people who have not heard about the gospel of our Lord Jesus"
Through the power in the word of God and steemchurch platform, we will enlighten the world about Jesus and win the battle in the crusade for freedom

Great post



Thanks alot steemchurch for the platform to spread God's message. May the hand of God wrought greater and mighty things in your lives.


Agreed ... we need to be one

As a Christian preach the gospel should be our nature, We must preach the gospel to the world and win more soul for Christ, so that they can receive life and be safe as we already did. so we must always pray and ask for more of His fire, we must always ask to burn out for Him..thanks for sharing this with us

Do not make the sufferings of Christ in vain, he died for the whole world, if you are saved, it will be wickedness not care when your fellow brother is perishing, preach Christ to the world.

It is a combined effort between believers to spread the word, to lead people to God and salvation.

It is of great joy to the heavenly that a soul has been won into God's kingdom and it is highly important to note that soul winning comes with great rewards. This is the duty God gave to us.

Gods word should be the first thing in our lives

Our entire life and speech should be focused towards claiming souls for Christ as it is the only property that follows us to the eternal, there are people yet to hear of him and it's our job to let them know him so did apostle paul when he was alive he went trough kingdoms to cities spreading his good news.

If only the Apostolic fire still burns in our heart, now that region where the churches planted which is the modern day Turkey is now a Muslim nation. The baton has now been passed to us and we must deliver, tis'our only option

There is no salvation in another thing....
That is why I believe every Christian should pray this prayer everyday :

Prayer: Lord Anoint me with your Holy fire, teach me to be diligent in your work, give me the enablement to declare the gospel with all boldness, let my words be fire in the hearts of men, help O Lord! Guard my heart, and keep me as the apple of thine eyes cover me with your wings as I lead millions to Christ. Such is the Outcry of my heart. Amen.

God will always answer that prayer because God wants sinners saved when you preach the gospel...
Thanks for this post!

John Wesley became one if the greatest preacher of God's words infact he was an instrument of salvation to people many many people
Christians these days must learn how to be a great instrument of deliverance to the people of the world, in fact we must be diligently willing to became a part of God's plans and that's why we need the holy spirit in our lives

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

The word of God brings freedom.
Just as you heard it and accept life, so you should share the word with the lost souls so they too can at least have the choice to life.

Even 'Jhn 1vs1', says ' in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God...........
So, every beginning of everythig must be with God.