Hasan bey Zardabi

in busy •  6 years ago 

During this period, significant events took place in order to realize his ideas about women's education. In 1901, the Russian-Muslim Women's School named after Aleksandra Fyodorovna ("Tagiyev Girl's School") was opened in Baku by the financial support of Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev and by close consultation with H.Zardaby. The idea was to create an educational institution for Azerbaijani girls who had been fighting for years with great enlightener H.Zardabi. H. Zardiabi, who played an exceptional role in the opening of the school, also wrote the school's charter and was elected a member of the school's Guardian Council. The first head of the school, Hasan bey's lifelong friend and colleague Hanifa Malikova - Abayeva was appointed ...

The second congress of teachers was convened on the initiative of H.Zardaby, the first congress held in 1906 took place under his presidency and serious decisions were made. At the II congress, Hasan Bey did not attend the meetings because he was ill, but he did not forget to send a congratulatory message to the congress ...
During his illness, Hasan Bey did not miss his advice for the education and culture of the people. According to Farhad Aghazadeh's memoirs, one day Üzeyir bey Hajibeyov visited Hasan bey. Hasan bey asks her to write an opera with her hand signs. Offer is welcomed. In 1908, the opera "Leyli and Majnun" was created ...

Hasan bey Zardabi, one of the luminaries of the Azerbaijani Enlightenment Movement, died on November 28, 1907. The next day, he was buried in Bibiheybat Cemetery in Baku with a large crowd and a solemn celebration. At the burial of the unprecedented victory at the time of the 20th century in Azerbaijan, the human traffic flowing on the shoulders of the great enlightener was in three places - in the courtyard of the famous Gasimbay mosque in Baku, the editorial office of Kaspi newspaper (editorial was in the present Sabir garden, burned by the Armenians in March 1918) and stood before the Baku City Duma and spoke about the services of Hasan bey. Famous intellectuals Ahmed bey Aghayev, Ali bey Huseynzadeh, Mammadam Rasulzadeh, Kara bey Garabayov, Mammadhasan Efendiyev, Isgenderbar Malikov, Hashim bay Vezirov, Isa bey Ashurbeyov and others spoke at the funeral. Hasan bey managed to maintain his "first" death with all his life ... Hasan bay Zardabi scholarship was instituted to give a name to one of the city schools, monument and give it to Azerbaijani students studying at Moscow State University to perpetuate memory of Baku city duma Hasan bay and made a decision to do so. Only the last one was fulfilled. So, Mustafa Bey Vakilov, Tagi bay Ganiyev, students of the Moscow State University, and Safat bey Malikov, who had studied for a while at the Riga Polytechnic Institute, received .

Let's also say that the grave of this great man was transferred there in 1948 when the Honorary Cemetery was established in Baku ... Fill the grave with light!
A few words about Hasan bey's family members. Hasan bey's wife, Hanifa Khanum, was born in 1856 in Nalchik and died in 1929 in Baku. As a prominent educator, Hanifa H.Zh.Taghiyeva has been working as a teacher at the "School of Girls", Baku I Russian-Azerbaijani School, Head of I Women Turkish School, during Soviet times at the Baku School of the First Degree. Hasan bey Zardabi's biography was published in 1925 in connection with the 50th anniversary of the "Akinchi" newspaper ...

Hasan bey had four children - two sons and two daughters.
We do not know about the education of his eldest daughter, Pari. He was a prominent political figure, spouse of Alimardan bey Topchubashov, chairman of the Parliament of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. There were two sons (Alekber Bey and Rashid bey). He lived in France and died there.
His second wife, Garibsoltan, was born in 1889 in Zardab, and in 1967 went to the mercy in Baku. He has no children. There were special services in the training of prominent composer Rauf Hajiyev and his sister Adila khanum. She has been teaching as a graduate of Tagiyev's Virgo School for many years.
His eldest son, Mudhat Bey, received higher technical education in Moscow. The victim of the repressive 30-year repression of the last century. His only son, Fatma Khanum, who was born in 1925, lived in Stavropol during the repressions, then returned to Baku and received higher education. Fatma Khanum's son Mammadali and her grandson Hagira live in Baku ...

The birth and death dates of Hasan bey's younger son Saifat Bey are unknown. He studied at the Riga Polytechnic Institute in 1914-17, and was unable to complete his education due to the Russian coup. In 1922, he completed his higher education in Germany as one of the 100 students sent to study abroad by a government decree. He could not return to his homeland because of the Soviet regime. He lived in Paris for a while and then moved to Istanbul and spent his life there. The Soviet government deprived the state of its scholarship on the grounds that it was "a wealthy family and was a relative of A.Topchubashov". Hanifa Aliyeva was able to restore the award to Sophate by addressing the People's Commissars Council and Education Commissioner ...

Generally, during the Soviet era, the family of H.Zardabi was subjected to repression in this and other ways, and everything about his name was for decades. The pure name and immortal deeds of this great enlightenment activist were returned to him only after the Soviet regime was softened in 1956 and acquitted ... Works published, valuable works were written about ...

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