Just shrieking out loud.

in cabal •  2 years ago 


Many of us who have been alive for a long time now, and have paid attention, are aware that there is a cabal of influencers with wealth and power that dwarf a Musk or a Zuck, (or potential cage matches), and that group of psychopathic globalist demonic dreamers have always "selected" our so called "elected" officials.

Just in my life time I have watched the lives of real truth seekers wrecked either professionally or by strange "suicided" events. But, truth be told, I really didn't believe I would live long enough to actually experience the total and almost complete accomplishment of mind control over the majority in our country, and well, all over the planet.

I can only speak for the country I live in, as I watch one more indictment against Donald Trump. Whether one likes or hates Donald Trump, our government, both parties, have turned into a mafia bought and paid for, blackmailed and totally inept bunch of people who give not one shit for you and me, and have enriched themselves until they are so old, some are about to drop dead during congressional sessions.

I wish I could laugh that I have a POTUS who was in hiding during the entire former election season, and ended up winning more votes than any other presidential candidate in history. And his family has gotten their wealth, in many millions, through foreign influence and graft. And now he spends most of his time on vacation. The perfect puppet grifter. Trump was impeached for questioning where the taxpayer foreign aide was going to Ukraine and requesting an audit.

Well, I'm disheartened to watch what has always been a very precarious democratic republic, but it still had a chance.

No more. The globalist agenda has taken over governments, central and local, all mainstream media, and the minds of most. Cognitive dissidence seems to have become a choice by way too many.

Trump, no matter what one thinks about him, came in swinging and changed up some stuff. He was already rich. He didn't need the money, not like so many who come to DC poor, folks like Biden.

Nope, never wore a MAGA hat, but I did research the plans of global organizations like the WEF and what they want us all to become: totally controlled slaves, with lots of depopulation along the way. Trump was the only recent POTUS that actually fought against that agenda, and the corporately owned and controlled media went after him from day one, and are now doing all possible to keep him from being a candidate again.

I guess the biggest question I have ever had, was why the entire establishment hated/hates Trump so much and why so many others never questioned it. I have lots of theories and I believe him when he calls DC a swamp. Worse than the imaginations of most.

Nope, no one can save us now. But it would be really refreshing if at least more people asked questions. I fear it is much too late. Just all a circus now to promote divide and conquer and bring on the globalist dream of one world government. All this political bullshit will bring about total societal unrest, and then very possibly WWIII. Bummer!

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