CALEDON, Ontario - A man was killed in a blast that blasted a house in Caledon, a suburb of Toronto, on Sunday morning.
"The house has completely disappeared. There are no other ways to describe that. The house was destroyed. "
According to the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), the explosion occurred around 6:20 am The explosion was so violent that debris was thrown in all directions, damaging nearby residences.
The OPP said during a press briefing with the local media that a gas leak was detected on the spot when help arrived. The authorities, however, could not specify the cause of the explosion.
The 54-year-old victim in the house had no chance of surviving.
More than thirty people had to be evacuated in the area.
The explosion shook people living in the vicinity. "I thought, what are the chances of this happening, is it an earthquake," Sarah Shaw, who lives in three houses further, told the newspaper "Caledon Enterprise".
The shaking was enough to cause some damage at home, including falling a mirror and breaking lights.
The cause of the explosion has not yet been determined.
The investigators evaluate the possibility that the natural gas supply of the house is involved.
The authorities do not know for now whether it is an accidental or criminal explosion.