What Cambodia and Thailand has Shown MesteemCreated with Sketch.

in cambodia •  7 years ago 


Communication is a natural thing. Most communication is non-verbal. Communication is paramount to Everyone's survival.

  • Every human has the same basic needs.

  • Me is You in another Life, and You is me in another Life.

  • Where we are born is a lottery in this world casino system planet.

  • At the moment, Human Life is a commodity where each human exists as Capital and trades according to the over/under valuation of one's Time, Labor and Money. It's a most unfortunate tragic comedy of epic proportions.

  • Currency Wars - is the cognitive dissonance, also know as the separation within the psyche of humanity.

  • Money is a Universal Language.

  • The world is a playground.

  • Human Disregard creates a less than optimal Playground.

  • The potential of the playground is great.

  • Many Cambodian and Thai people are very "down to earth".

  • Tropical Climates Create and Support Growth and Maturity

  • Creative Collaboration is Huge Key Point of Regard

  • Despite the Great living conditions of the Tropics...there is much inhumane living conditions and disregard for the environment and humans in the environment.

  • Money is God. Humans serve God. Some "amazingly structured great grandiose shopping malls." The New Age houses of God. Acting and Reacting in service of Money/God. Big realization here is that every human is suppose to be a God of existence. A Care Taker. Money is just a tool. I mean really - money in a way is just the tool to get humans to the point of not requiring money and recognizing our God Hood. All life is connected.

  • Cambodia and Thailand needs more infrastructure support and regard for Recreation and Leisure - especially so for children. There are some incredibly designed facilities here that are readily available for foreign tourists with money and or locals who have lots of money.

  • Lots of Foreign Investment Opportunity - to invest in local communities and villages. Creative collaboration opens many doors. Exploration is key.

  • The internet makes it easier than ever to sustain and even evolve the development of relationships that are formed while traveling.

  • There's so much more I have to say and share...will continue to articulate and process the points in posts to come,

  • In the mean time,

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Good article! I'm from Cambodia.

money money ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello @worldclassplayer, there are many truths in your publication, man his eagerness to live to forgotten many things.

Thanks @deisip67

  • steem on

Good Morning Chinese India

Good morning :)

When I visited Cambodia and Thailand a few years ago I had an amazing time. The food was great, the sights were beautiful and the people were friendly. It makes me think that money is not the key to happiness, gratitude is. A lot of these people had very little money, but they were so friendly and cheerful. It goes to show you the old saying that "money can't buy happiness" is definitely true in this situation.

100% agree with your points.

  • Gratitude is the greatest attitude

Living in this part of the world has also taught me to treat our planet with more respect and to promote a healthy attitude towards our planet!

Awesome to hear!

  • 100%

good points!