Taking our liberties and freedoms back. (As a Canadian)

in canada •  4 years ago 



Our Canadian system of government is very different from the American system in that, like the British parliamentary system from which it was derived, it gives enormous power to the Prime Minister. Our prime ministers – and I suspect this is true of British PMs as well – are far more involved in and far more knowledgeable about the affairs of executive power, political power and even possibly covert Intelligence than any American president could be. Our PMs are THE BOSS. The circumstances of our history since 1867 have made that ever more absolute, and have taken us on a diverging path even from the British system, by removing restraining power from any constitutionally sanctioned body. The Senate and the Governor General’s Office have been utterly stripped of any power to restrain the Prime Minister’s office. That was before Pierre Trudeau.

Pierre Trudeau, in order to combat Quebec separatism made the Prime Minister’s Office much more absolute than it was before. I remember when Quebec separatists were radical communist terrorists calling themselves Front de Liberation Quebecois who were putting bombs in mailboxes and finally they kidnapped a British diplomat and murdered an official of the Quebec government.

I believe this terrorism was part of the terrorism being done then by the Weather Underground and others in the USA and the terrorism in Europe by self-proclaimed communists including the Red Army Faction and the Bader-Meinhoff group. It has been revealed now that these so-called communists were in fact secret armies commanded by NATO and the CIA for the purpose of discrediting socialism and making the people demand more protection from the state, the tactic called by them “the Strategy of Tension”. So I suspect the FLQ was also a CIA appliance – unknown to most of their supporters I’m sure, idiots are more useful the more idiotic they are. But I suspect Pierre Trudeau was far more aware of the CIA than we ever knew.

Pierre Trudeau had the kind of executive power that made it possible to stamp out the FLQ before it could terrorize the nation. He declared an Apprehended Insurrection and invoked the War Measures Act. I’m imagining this was very surprising to the CIA and an education in how things work up here very differently from the USA.

But that was then. In succeeding years the power of the PMO grew until now it’s a colossus towering over Parliament and even the Cabinet. When a strong and unscrupulous man hungry for power gets elected PM, for instance Brian Mulroney and, even worse, Steven Harper, our Canadian Parliamentary traditions don’t stand a chance. Harper was the only PM ever to be censured by Parliament and as such he should have resigned; he refused to and nobody had any power to make him do it. Our political opposition parties showed themselves to be utterly feckless. At that critical juncture they showed that the will of the people who elected them meant nothing if the PM chose to defy it. It established a terrible precedent.

And so it is today. The issues and controversies surrounding the global “Pandemic” are really just a vehicle for something far more dangerous. Our liberties, supposedly guaranteed by our laws and constitution have been utterly swept away. We have in our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a man who seems weak but is strong enough to dictate to the police to waylay innocent and perfectly healthy Canadians at airports, force them to submit to a PCR test and hustle them off to secret hotels to be imprisoned at the pleasure of the government. Trudeau and his comatose Liberal Party and the equally brain dead opposition parties have turned Canada into a high tech resurrection of Communist East Germany. The plan is quite openly announced: a digital Vaccine Passport under international control and forced “vaccinations” of Canadians as young as 12 or even younger, whatever Pfizer decides.

The issue is not medical, not really. It is political. If there are any politicians with a clue in their heads in Canada they mustn't have the guts to make their voices heard. I have written letters and published open letters to my member of parliament, a prominent Liberal, and gotten back banana oil drizzled over stupidity. We are being cattle prodded down the chutes to Vaccine Passport totalitarian tyranny managed by people in Brussels. Our politicians, every damn one of them, are willfully prosecuting policies that will turn them into franchise managers instead of leaders of our country.

But there are Canadians who are fighting back and fighting for the restoration of our laws and liberties.
Active duty Toronto Police Constable Chris Vandenbos is a founding member of Police On Guard. POG is mainly composed of active and retired Canadian police officers of all ranks who came together in December 2020 to demand that our constitutionally guaranteed rights be respected and that police enforcement of unconstitutional repression be ended.

Chris Vandenbos:

"At the beginning, there were few officers speaking out about the unconstitutional mandates and laws being handed down to the police to enforce. But, as time has gone on and we are seeing that the politicians themselves are not following their own rules, it has sparked conversations within the walls of police divisions. These conversations are now surrounding the legitimacy of the laws in the first place…

As our politicians dine together on rooftop patios, visit their friends, or fly to desirable vacation destinations, the rest of Canada is left to suffer the consequences of their unconstitutional autocratic decisions that breach the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canadians. And that is unacceptable!…

Canada has a rich history of prevailing in the face of adversity and evil. Our national anthem says it best: “Oh Canada, we stand on Guard For Thee”. We ask that our fellow Canadians stand on guard for thee with us. Make your voices heard, contact your elected representatives and voice your displeasures loudly but non violently, and stand strong.

We here at Police On Guard made an oath to uphold the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of all Canadians. This is not only our oath but this is our promise. And that is a promise we will keep.

Together, we can win our freedoms back!"

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