A very 'Canadian' morning

in canada •  7 years ago 

The last few hours have reminded me how much I love living in Canada.

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I woke up around 8:30 a.m. with a bit of a hangover, but I knew I had to shake it off and start shovelling snow. We had a small party at our house last night and it snowed throughout the night, so I knew I'd be busy in the morning. I geared up, put my headphones on and began clearing the driveway in the bright morning sunshine.

While shovelling, I noticed a woman down the street was struggling to drive her car out of the snow. I ran over, joined a few other neighbours and we helped push her car out.

After shovelling, I jumped into my vehicle and drove to Tim Hortons to grab a Saturday morning coffee.


Driving home, I noticed about 30 cars at my local park, with kids running with sleds and crazy carpets toward the park's giant hill.

Some people complain about the cold...

But I think I'm lucky to live here :)

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Nice pictures @wadepaterson ...yes you are lucky !!...I love canada ..I will visit it soon .


Let me know if you do... I'd be happy to give you a few "must see" recommendations.

with pleasure @wadepaterson ... I followed you

Aww so Canadian, woke up with a hang over, helped a random stranger then off to times I went all the while being thankful.

Beautiful sunny Okanagan day today!

Did you get a bunch of snow in Vernon? (I'm assuming so...)

This is the kind of stuff I like to do all the time I make it a mission of mine to make it least two people add a smile you rock man subscribed and liking your stuff now