Testimony of cancer survivor - Jan
When i found out I had cancer I refused chemo and radiation because they cause cancer and it just didn't make sense to me to treat cancer with something that caused it. And chemo is all poisons as well, if you look them up you will see. I would rather die of cancer than chemo and radiation poisoning. With them you are sick for what’s left of your life. I have had many friends die that way. I researched the natural remedies and found baking soda plus molasses and b17 or apricot kernels. I drink two teaspoons of soda with two teaspoons of molasses in warm water three times a day. I used b17 capsules at first and they didn't seem to do anything so I went to apricot kernels and they helped and are helping; I split the dose up to 3 times a day, it made it easier to take them. The taste is very bitter. I also take dandelion root twice a day, 1800mg and a mineral supplement with selenium 2 times a day, and essiac tea twice a day. This is all for cancer.
I have asthma and I take ashwagandha and goldenseal/echinacea for that. diabetes I take vanadium and chromium
for that and it works like a charm! My blood sugar has been perfect since I started it. Any of these would be good for you to carry. It took some searching to find ashwagandha for a reasonable price. dandelion herb and root would be good too. Diabetes curing herbs like vanadium and chromium helps too, I have been using them for about 2 and a half years, before that I had trouble keeping my blood sugar down. prescription drugs just don't always work, at least not for me…that is why i use herbs for just about everything. Also ajebine, it is for asthma. i think i spelled it right, but it is close if not. it is right spelling, i just searched it and there is some now (it has been a year since i looked for it last).
I don't trust every source for herbs, you just don't know what you are getting in those capsules…who knows? God gave us a power to heal ourselves with herbs and it is the only thing that counts! Carry good natural products, God's nature, and you should do good.