Candor comes from the Latin candor oris which is sincerity, simplicity, ingenuity and purity of mind or it can also mean extreme whiteness.
This is actually like the quality of being an honest person, a person who tells the truth in relationships with other people.
Being able to communicate without malice, in a clean way, without bad intentions, without hiding things.
This is a virtue that is highly valued in many cultures and many areas worldwide, it is very important to maintain relationships. It is very crucial to maintain productive and healthy relationships.
An example of candor is when a friend or a person who loves you very much tells you all the truths, even if they are hard to hear. It is when that person tells you and really shows you the mistakes you have made, and tries to help you, because he is showing you that he really is your friend in the first place, and that he has a lot of candor.
And this is what brings me to today's topic. The lack of candor in our lives can destroy us terribly, because for example, if we are not honest with the people around us, it is most likely that those people will lose trust, and this will prevent us from having healthy relationships. with our environment, because these people are not going to want to help us, when we have a problem, or when we need their help. These people are going to be less willing to collaborate with us, because we are people who do not inspire confidence. In addition, this can often lead to misunderstandings, make people misinterpret what we say and this will simply generate conflicts and controversies. We better try to avoid being false in our lives and our relationships, so we will have a more rational, more positive society, an environment, a much better scenario for us.
Furthermore, a lack of candor can lead us to miss out on opportunities in our lives. For example, if we lie on a resume that we are doing for a company, or in a job interview we lie about our skills, we say that we have skills that we do not have, it is most likely that we will lose a job opportunity for lying about our abilities, saying we have experiences we haven't had, trying to make it look like we're something we're not.
In addition, there is another very important factor, which is that pretending or not being sincere in our relationships can create a lot of stress, a lot of anxiety, because having to maintain this false appearance that we are something that we are not in front of the rest obviously wears us out mentally and produces a level of stress, and we are going to fall into a depression then.
We must be very careful with this, it is better to be authentic, honest people and we will see how the doors open for us if we proceed in this way in our lives.
So my advice is to always be honest, to be simple in your relationships and you will be able to have and offer a lot of transparency to all of your loved ones, you will have a much more beautiful, healthy life and environment, people will trust you. you, you are going to be generously rewarded in life.