Your Body Creates Cannabidiol And Is Searching For The Nutrients Of The Marijuana Plant

in cannabis •  8 years ago  (edited)

 You have cannabis receptors in your body; your DNA, your cells and your mind.  Consider this as one more thing your government didn’t want you to know about.  Not only is cannabis good to your metabolism, TCH the most potent part of cannabis, is manufactured by your own body and your cannabinoid receptors in your body can get stimulation from a lot of other foods as well as cannabis.  So when they say that cannabis plants are bad for you so are things like carrots; broccoli, citrus fruits, mustard and chocolate.  Classifying cannabis as a dangerous substance was one of the most blatant frauds ever perpetrated on society.  Cannabis when used properly is as boring as any other vegetable and as important as it is necessary to your health.  Cannabis is packed with essential nutrients and healing properties, when it is fresh and not heated, dried or aged.  When cannabis is fresh, from the plant, it is not a narcotic, and it does not make you high.  Your bodies cannabis receptors are looking for that fresh raw unprocessed plant.  Having cannabis receptors within our bodies means that we must have used cannabis as a nutrient for most of our human evolution.  The cannabis receptors in our cells mean four things.  Out body recognizes cannabis, uses it, needs it, and our overall health is better when we get it, otherwise those receptors would not be there.  I’m not talking about the smoked, aged, or dried cannabis that gets people high.  We need the fresh plant like in a salad or juiced.  It’s a nutrient; one of the best that we can put in our bodies.  Cannabis is one of the biggest healers on the face of the planet and you were not supposed to find that out.

The fact that we all have cannabis receptors within our bodies DNA, means that cannabis may have been a staple of the human diet for millions of years, as an essential nutrient and food source.  Research shows that cannabis provides an astonishing number of medical benefits.  So much so, that you might not be in peak health unless you consume some every once in a while.  We have been seriously lied to, and that lie has caused damage to millions of people for generations now.  The demonetization of cannabis correlates with the early promotion of pharmaceutical industries where wealthy investors and their drug companies needed legislation to discourage competition from natural and inexpensive therapies.  This is certainly not the only time that commercial interests have bought legislation to benefit some industry at the expense of  the public's health or well-being.    

Have you ever wondered why cannabis was prohibited when it was far less harmful, even when smoked, then alcohol and prescription drugs?  We’ve been so thoroughly misinformed that a powerful healing plant was made out to be some killer drug, and most people who are alive today cannot even remember a time when we were not lied to about cannabis by our government, our schools, police, and even our friends and families who make the mistake of trusting what their government tells them.

If they had not put cannabis out of our reach, we would be curing ourselves without their toxic drugs and their over-priced healthcare programs and their legal harassment of their absolutely harmless use of an amazing plant.

You corrupt government even then went through the trouble of classifying cannabis as a dangerous substance with no therapeutic value when they knew that it was one of the most vital and powerful nutrients available to mankind.  Trusting people who then call themselves authority is just a fools game.    

Cannabis kills cancer; stops seizures, rebuilds immune systems, and even restores health to all of the 120 different cells that are within our bodies.  Cannabis performs multi-healing functions at the cellular level, which is where everything in your body that matters takes place.

The medical professionals calls these receptors within the body CBD’s, so they’ve known about this, but they would rather sell you drugs.  And again the primary benefits of cannabis are in the fresh unheated form when it has little TCH and it does not make your high.  Eating or juicing fresh raw cannabis every day will do more for your general health then any drug, or vitamin pill that money can buy.  Cannabis is a major threat to the pharmaceutical prescription drug industries which kills 100,000 people alone within the United States every year, with side effect and adverse reactions that are caused by those drugs while cannabis kills 0, no one.  Even when it is used as a recreational drug it poses no threat to your life, compared to alcohol which sickens and kills hundreds of thousands every year with addiction, chemical dependency, liver problems, heart failure and a host of many other pathologies.

The rediscovery of cannabis and its medical benefits is a big story and a big deal, but the bigger story is how we have been deliberately betrayed by our authorities, pendants and quacks who promulgated the phony killer weed scam upon society.

The world is not what government tells you it is.  The world is not what media; schools, police and politicians tell you it is.  They hide things.  They lie to you.

The official war on cannabis is crumbling and has been for over 50 years.  23 states have legalized cannabis and the study of cannabis in one way or another.  This research is starting to be taken seriously, while law enforcement are focusing on more truly serious drug problems, like meth-amphetamines, crack cocaine, and heroin.

If you think that cannabis is bad for you, you have been missing some extremely important information and you may want to start exploring these alternative views.  There are many links and people who are working hard to getting real and appropriate information out to the public so that they can make a conscious decision about it without the riff-raff of authorities that have caused many peoples lives to be completely unfounded in their abilities caused by these authority views which are ultimately wrong and are planned for humanities destruction and not construction.

You can listen to this information here;  

as well as find it all over in natural sciences online from all over the world that support and back this information.  The government has been lying to us all along, and it's up to us to stop the dis-information about a plant that God made and set here for us to use for meats.  It's a plant.  It shouldn't have ever been made illegal.


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#cannabis is the best! :)
Upvoted & Followed !
Also thanks for not using the marijuana tag and using the cannabis tag instead. I would love to see Steemit become a platform filled with educated users who don't use the "M" word as it has many racist connotations.

I'm writing a lot of cannabis related material, but have felt forced to use the marjuana tag because when I use cannabis as the tag my posts go unread.Just wrote a post about how to make cannabis infused gummies using seaweed in place of gelatin which is a healthier alternative as the most recent example. Cannabis is medicine and a super-food. It needs to be treated as such.

I have run into the same predicament writing #cannabis content. I chose to use just #cannabis and add #steemsquad & #minnowsunite to get more exposure. Just upvoted your Trainwreck and gummies posts :) Followed you 2

Thank you very much for sharing your strategy.
I will continue do my part to raise cannabis awareness. :)

I agree. That's an awesome gif for this.

Well done @chasedreams! I have upvoted and am following you.

Thank you!!! I hope you enjoy some of my writings.