Preventing the Proliferation of Cancer Cells, Grand Designs and a Cleanup in Aisle Nein
Justice Complacent is not going anywhere, there are two million wrongful convictions in Canada. We can approximate ten times that in the United States since the statistics made available at the Department of Justice website, are clearly an obfuscation of a whole dataset for the country's total cannabis related drug convictions. Also noted, the prevention of endogenous and phyto-cannabinoid research in North America has kept the cremation furnaces fed with our loved ones. Tens, potentially hundreds of millions of lives affected, others extinguished by complacency with prejudice in the workplace. Against a substance and the significant portion of the populace which accept and embrace the compounds that are scientifically confirmed to cause apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells. Mindmap - Biochemical Pathways and Their Functions as They Relate to the Proliferation of Cancer Cells by Localized Endogenous Cannabinoid Deficiency
Solubility - the Selectivity of Endogenous Cannabinoid Receptors and Molecules
Prescription of Phyto-Cannabinoid Supplement Treatment (Apoptotic to Cancer Cells) Based on Specific Cell Types and Scientific Confirmations
Justices who objected were obliged to resign, those that remain were complacent with the destruction of lives and families that were torn apart to satisfy the career-driven ideals of neglectful, dishonourable justices.
A Review of Historical Aspects Leading to Applied Lack of Better Ethics Which Denied Studies, Explanation for and Treatment of Cancers (Organigram Included)
1H NMR Analysis of Non-Psychoactive Oxidized Hydrophilic Phyto-Cannabinoid - CB2 Agonist Concentrate (Proposed Treatment for Leukemia)
A tune for the victorious? "Weed didn't start the fire..."
My moment being an Outlaw for developing technology. Phyto-cannabinoids cause apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells.
Personal cannabis activist garden (2015)... ..Facebook vids, do not forget to set the HD for better quality.
Yes, like reporting an alien if you live just outside Ottawa. There is a mountain lion for those who live among the mixed forests and cold rivers. Most believe that cougars exist only on the west coast of North America, heard the cat tell me it was near twice. It thought a raccoon was choking on a fish (rather loudly and hoarse), I thought nothing of the noise. I never lived in fear of anything in that forest, I kept watering my flowers in the clearing as the sound though the underbrush and about me continued. When I was done watering I went back on the trail without a worry nor thought of the presence of the cougar. Two days later I understood and accepted the reality of the big cat. I began wearing a leather jacket so that most of the body parts would be in the leather bag.
Music on vinyl record and Youtube in the 800 watt room (a bass, mid and treble amp) is why these videos remain personal record, not on Youtube.
I live with the cancer monster over my shoulder since my mother passed away at forty, when I was twenty. I am now thirty-nine, I have crunched a mountain of granola, grown at least three inches taller after the age of thirty-six. Now I am not scared each damned day anymore, I like this. I think I have gained enough techniques and further fortitude of constitution to confidently look forty in the eye took both my mother and her father. In 2018, my father also passed away of cancer. I am still not feeling 100% confident about having surpassed the proliferation of cancer cells, yet I have read twenty years worth and more, scientific confirmations that agree. Endogenous, synthetic and phyto-cannabinoids cause apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells.
Music on vinyl record and Youtube in the 800 watt room (a bass, mid and treble amp) is why these videos remain personal record, not on Youtube.
How did the last act of me being 5'2" end? ..with two successive SWATings (ten armed goons for 105 lbs of hoping not to die of cancer). Four joints on a coffee table became 3.9 kilos of cannabis (mostly the stalks we see me piling behind my chair during the video record).
January 2017 my spine began to stretch, toward the end of "Little Dean".
Cleanup in aisle nein. Match the Otto Ohlendorf with Jack Vance (SF author) and the prominent "Canadian" figure with his prior identity that is strongly suspected. I cannot DNA prove that General Vance was "Crusher" Craigie at Vance AFB in Oklahoma, the resemblance is beyond uncanny. I have to MAKE myself believe the General and the man in the USAF uniform, are not one in the same.
My father, his father and so on... worked for the Canadian paper industry in Quebec. I was scrutinizing records about a Nazi POW (Brandt) that was imprisoned in the United States, he later turned up as the inventor of papermill related technologies. During the early 2000's, the inventor's son acquires much of the Quebec papermill industry, losing money, then tries to walk away with the worker's pension fund.
What if? ..(instead of prejudice harboring/implementing taskforces) a team were assigned to matching all of the faces with the names and their twentieth century Nazi American lives. Nazi POW Camp sites might have some historical information.
I was still "little Dean" in 2015. At 5'2", the shortest man everywhere I went till I was 36. I grew another three inches taller, the reactions of others toward me changed.
The North American standard operating procedures and synthetic poisons lobbied for by corporate interests have kept the furnaces firing at a consistent rate. Career is more important to some individuals than denouncing abuse by organizations and corporations. They have yet to be held accountable for being complacent and harbouring the continued implementation of detrimental practices (SOP) while scientific confirmations are turned away. Scientists and doctors in North America are no longer making contributions, they avoid research after graduation, good enough ..our loved ones die of lethargy, then ourselves for not bringing forth the debate.
The medicine born of modern scientific effort is also very necessary, it has been implemented poorly in years of late. Rather than have a doctor assign a permanent chemical dependence, many are experimenting less toxic choices before the eventual terminal diagnosis.