Machine Learning - Early Diagnosis for Cancers, Quantifying the Depletion of Apoptotic Compounds

in cannabis •  5 years ago  (edited)

For three years I have collected scientific confirmations ( which allow composition of brief and accurate declarations of the chemical properties at the origin of pharmacological processes such as apoptosis in cancer cells of at least two cell types, those which express CB1 (hydrophobic) or CB2 (hydrophilic) receptors by majority.

Phyto-cannabinoids THC and CBN make possible the apoptotic treatment (cell death) of more than one cancer cell type. Targeted treatment based on the expression of cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 at the membranes of cells.

For cancers in cells of the head and neck we have application of hydrophobic phyto-cannabinoid compounds. For cancer cells in the bone marrow (Leukemia) we have water-soluble CBN (1H-NMR, U of Ottawa), the compound which possesses the chemical property to reach and bind receptors at the membranes of cells in bone marrow which express CB2 receptors by majority.

Preparing solutions to that which prevented treatment of those who have passed away.

Dynamic information systems that collect and analyze samples from sources. Plotting vitamin, lipid and endogenous cannabinoid levels for development of Computer Assisted Diagnosis of cancers during early proliferation rather than post-metastasis by biopsy of malignant tumoral mass.

Even before having a software and hardware implementation we can determine the fundamental elements and their relationships to each other in order to establish mathematical functions for input analysis.

The preventative treatment is also part of the diagnosis routine, supplementing levels of vitamins C, K and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3/6 that biosynthesize endogenous cannabinoids. The rate of change over time for levels of each determine one of two cell types and the quantity of cancer cells which deplete these compounds as they undergo apoptosis and are then metabolized by white blood cells that produce inflammatory oxides which further deplete/react with anti-inflammatory endogenous cannabinoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3/6 and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The scheduled plotting of input data allows quantification and confirmation. A more scientific and less invasive method of diagnosis that can be applied years before metastasis (malignant masses of cancer cells).

Over time the fundamental relationships expressed by mathematical function yield a machine learning algorithm. The first three sets of input data yield little information. As the number sets for input data plotted increases, the algorithm defines and confirms the relationship between depletion of specific vitamin resources and type of cancers.

For functional programming, constants comprised of functions to produce a more mathematical and low level implementation of the logic required to overlay large numbers of data sets producing the relationally significant output from which to quantify and confirm depletion levels related to specific types of cancers which allow diagnosis, monitoring and treatment.

The interval between samples or "sample rate" must not be constant for the database to be applicable in a realistic context. This model is more exact as the number of input datasets increases, while respecting many different sample rates which are at the convenience of the patients.

Among the datasets we might also include those which are collected using a controlled sample rate. An example would be twelve hours after titration (supplement), these would yield further definition to the representation of the relation between depletion of apoptotic resources for type and state of progression, "number of biochemical reactions" required to deplete certain ratios of each apoptotic compound in relation to the control sample taken one hour after titration.

Canada has 4 * 10^7 potential datasets for defining the relational aspects that allow identification and quantification.

USA presents a potential 4 * 10^8 sources of data.

The database would grow an order of magnitude faster were it supplied input from sources in the United States.

Analytical method steps must be identified for each apoptotic compound and other molecules which are also depleted due to apoptosis. If the levels might be determined by methods that allow sensitive readings, we can reduce sample sizes that need to be taken from patients. The instrumentation for the more efficient implementation is of course more expensive for finer quantification of biological input samples (blood).

The following includes the thought process along with personal experiences which drive the development process to solutions.

Do not lie to me and tell me that it is not possible to help my family, I will stand up and show you otherwise.

Both my mother (2001) and father (2018) passed away six months after diagnosis of cancer. An easy to solve puzzle as the information required to understand and apply apoptotic treatment existed though in a very fragmented way. There exist more than twenty years of scientific confirmations concerning apoptotic compounds when we include lipids and vitamins which the biochemical process requires.

As we say in Canadian cabins, someone is in trouble and "getting away with it". It begins with the mental stagnation of white-haired judiciary "over-sight" performing both interpretations of the term. Twenty more years without pre-diagnosis solutions for causing apoptosis of proliferating cancer cells, the reasoning was that we would keep the population safe.

Question everything here, before falling prey to that which others neglect.

I was told it was bad for me, scientific confirmations state that I am more likely to die without.

I might be a vegan lately but that does not take away from my survival instinct. They are however non-violent passions which lead the mind to accomplishment.

There was never a need to create exclusion as the community mends by more complementary acts such as mediation of conflict and inclusion of marginalized citizens. Sometimes it is cheaper to leave me and others out of the way till we are untraumatized and useful again. When the sick are ready they will carry the weight as the more fortunate.

To put it in laymen's terms.. I believe my family died because someone else was being willfully complacent and more concerned with the continuity of their career.

This concludes my investigation. Case closed, for now.

All of these cancers and wrongful incarceration ..because we do not spend tax dollars investigating ourselves.

Taken out to sea on a lawful ship was mutiny out there, the heartless and stricken with greed had taken over command of the vessel as the empire struggled with it's unfortunate and clinging recent past.

We can defend the right to take from the impoverished or otherwise disadvantaged when there are exactly none of them left.

We are asked for charitable donations to feed the same people at Christmas, those who's pockets were emptied.

Let's assume we are capable of finding better solutions long enough for it to happen.

Without more commitment to the advancement of ethics, we will not be ready for the coming technologies which must only be employed in the most productive of the "dual" uses.

Philosophy and psychology are two fields from which can be generated mechanical systems and fundamental mathematics for computational analysis. All of the sciences can benefit from modern computation which is beginning to allow functions and analyses that were not possible.

It means the bloody computer is going to hand us our own lazy asses if we do not do our ethical homework first.

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