I'm rooting for these 10 new MK Ultra clones to pull through!

in cannabis •  4 years ago 

Have a look at my 10 new clones - and the other plants in my little cannabis medicine patch!

Things are looking better after a bug scare last week. Culling the affected plant seems to have solved the issue, whatever it was.

Here's a quick scan over the whole garden, showing the 5 MK Ultra (donors for the clones), the 10 clones, and the Mango Kush. It's a full garden!

  • fully turgid healthy clones: 4
  • droopy clones still recovering: 4
  • possibly dead clones: 2

Stay tuned for the outcome of my diabolical (okay not very diabolical) cloning experiment!


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I'm so happy to see your clones thriving like they are. Indeed you handled the bug scare appropriately, no sense in taking chances with all these beauties.

PS. I really like how you make those gifs. Is the software you use noob friendly? I'm interested in making some gifs.

Yeah bud, I use a couple different ones. Pretty easy for me on a windows PC, just gotta start from a video file (like mp4) and there's some fiddling around to do (options) and then it spits out a GIF. I know of 2 that are fairly easy, and also free to use:

  • Free Video To GIF Maker
  • FREE Gif Maker by Digital Wave

If a search doesn't bring you to those downloads, let me know.

The reason I use 2 is because, being free, they don't have full options available. Each does something the other doesn't. I'm cheap, instead of use 1 proper program I paid $10 for, I'll scrounge around for 2 or even 3 free programs that do the job (more or less). LOL

Man I used to love the earlier days of the net. Programs were just as powerful as now, sometimes even better, in many cases. And free. So much freeware and shareware! :)