Mango Kush transplant - Post dedicated to Beau Sears

in cannabis •  4 years ago 

Since my last garden update, these 2 Mango Kush have outgrown their little cup! Time to separate them and upgrade their living arrangements - and have a look how the MK Ultra transplant went.

Post dedication

This post is dedicated to my friend Beau Sears, who passed away a few days ago, in Vancouver BC.

Here's Beau and I, Halloween 2018, just 2 weeks after Canada's fake "legalization". We were at Thornton Park right in downtown Vancouver (Main Street station and Science World), at an illegal cannabis farmers market protest I organized.

It was the first such protest/market post-legalization for our group of activists, who had been demoralized and attacked all year by the cops, media, and politicians who couldn't allow us to safely provide cannabis to the public while they set up a corporate monopoly of insider profiteers. We celebrated 'Halloweed' with goodies, costumes, and decorations all around the park. We cleaned the whole park when we arrived in the morning, and again when we left in the evening (as is customary in the Vancouver underground cannactivism scene). The event was done in protest of bad cannabis laws (like banning all outdoor cannabis sales), and about 20 vendor booths dotted the park.

Beau had been a regular in the Vancouver cannactivism scene when @MediKatie and I first got involved, and always had time for us. She made me feel like I mattered as a person, something most people don't bother to do for others anymore. I'll always remember that about her, and be thankful to her for that. I hope I'll carry that with me, and try to make other people aware that they matter. After they're dead is too late to let them know... we have to do it while they're still alive. That's how Beau was. She was a huge part of the Vancouver 420 Farmers Market, right from day 1.

I was hanging out giving away free dabs to friends and fellow activists, when Beau arrived. She approached me for a hug, apologized for being late (activism doesn't really go by an exact time, but she was polite), and I heated up the rig for her to have a dab (Rockstar Kush). She loved it, and complimented me on my taste in extracts - she was always kind, friendly, and positive... while being an extremely fierce advocate for patient rights.

Beau asked me to take a photo of us together. I pulled out my old Canon camera and snapped the photo of us in the thumbnail (I'm blanking out my face as I always do with online photos that include me). She looked at the preview and said she loved it. (For a photo album of that event, click here.)

Beau was one of the best-dressed people at the event that day. I know she struggled with symptoms of cancer and other conditions, that cannabis helped with but didn't completely alleviate. She was probably in a lot of pain that day, getting that costume together and just right, getting down to the event at her own cost, and supporting the cause the best she could, with a smile and some cheer. That's a real activist. I salute that woman. Major respect. If only every Canadian was like her, this country would be a shining example compared to what it is today!

Damn, it's hard knowing I'll never stand beside her holding a banner with her again, never chant "legalization is a lie" with her again, never teach the public how cannabinoid cure cancers with her again. And I find myself wishing I'd told her at least one more time "thank you for doing what you do". We never ever EVER get told that enough, not even close. None of us who do real activism do, and that's just part of the job. I understand that now. You have to be okay with almost never being thanked, even by fellow activists. You even have to be okay with being hated by the system, and misunderstood by most of the public. Beau handled it with grace, and did nonstop activism for years.

Beau, you touched many. There's a hole where you once were, and I don't know how we're going to fill it. I won't forget you, or the lessons I learned doing years of amazing cannabis activism with you. I'm sorry you didn't get to see the end of cannabis prohibition, but I'll fight onward, on your behalf. Thank you for making me smile, for supporting the cause almost every opportunity you got, and giving far more than you took. We love you.

I see you, Beau. Peace. Free the weed.

Back at the medicine patch...

I'm separating those two Mango Kush seedlings!

Ahhh, nice clean break. Roots look good.

This one is named "Beau".

And this one is "Sears".

Their pots are now massive, and filled with top-quality soil (just peat moss and worm castings). I have high hopes for these two little plants. They're 3 weeks behind the MK Ultra seedlings, but might be able to catch up!

Here's 'Nov', recovering nicely from their recent transplants:

Thanks for reading, and joining me in my little indoor garden. Grow in peace.


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I also resteemed! Rest in peace, Beau. I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to hang out when I saw you last at BC bud day. You were one of the original vendors of the Vancouver 420 Farmers Market (selling Hayley's commet in the hotbox tent), and were at important protests like at city hall.

We upvoted and resteemed in honour of Beau. Thank you for posting, @Drutter.

With a tear, I raise my joint to the sky for Beau. You never know who will be gone next! She was a quiet but devoted voice in Vancouver cannactivism. No Canadian story about the fight to decriminalize cannabis would be complete without her.

puff, puff, pass....

tosses the rest of the joint to the wind...

For Beau!!