topping my Super Skunk seedlings

in cannabis •  5 years ago 

Removing the very top portion of growth, especially of a young seedling, may seem drastic and foolish. But 'topping' cannabis plants can be the beginning of amazing things!

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Before I filmed yesterday's update video, I topped all 6 seedlings. They each have either 4 or 5 true nodes, and then the cut.

Just a day later (they're 33 days old now), life is already finding a way forward:


At the top node, two new stems are beginning to form. This will become the first 'Y' in my adult plant structure.

As I improve my topping and training skill with each crop, I'm slightly increasing yield. This is all done for no financial cost, and without sacrificing quality or safety. Always top shelf.

Please stay tuned for more on this topic - I intend to repeat this process to branch again (to 4) after just a single node. The resulting structure should produce a roughly square adult plant, to take advantage of my small rectangular garden area.

We'll soon see how it goes.
Thanks for stopping to read my post, I hope you found it top notch. Top of the morning to you!
Okay okay, I'll stop.


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Eating some of those tops is like a strong edible sometimes! It especially feels like shatter edibles that give you a buzz as it's sliding down your throat mmmm haha

The tops are potent medicine and the healthiest salad greens you've ever had, in one bite. And when your plants are organic, you know the greens are clean :)

We notice your puns there @Drutter. Top-notch job lol

I'm glad you didn't think I went over the top.

When you cut the hydra head off, two heads will grow in its place!

I never used to top (or prune, or micromanage, or train) my plants when I ran a couple rooms. We'd heard about it from others, but never got around to trying it. Just single-cola little plants from clones, I guess it was all a formula back then. Fast forward to nowadays, when I got this apartment and started this tiny garden, I got into topping. Although it was hard on me the first time (with my pink kush girls). It got better with my next crop (Northern Lights and Steem OG)! Nowadays I grow with love... and love involves a bit of pain sometimes! :)