@legalcanada and the Real story of Satori...

in cannabis •  6 years ago 


So.... Got a reply on my previous post..

Has seeds. Hmm I'll go look.

I like seeds.

Oh he has Mandela seeds... I know that name..

The moment of enlightenment... Satori. Legend and won the 2007 wake and bake and medical top ten of medical strains. So potent that it will get a wheelchair bound patient doing the dishes and whistling Dixie...

I've debated writing this... And maybe it is time.

My brain is tripped out. Wow. What a blast from the past and time to go down memory lane.



So a long time ago I was following Oregon's push for medical marijuana and was celebrating when the law that passed was implemented.

Cannabis Common Sense with Madeline Martinez and Paul something always played on public access television and was a huge highlight in my week. Back then we would even watch the repeat episodes. And it was definitely a huge deal to get the news about medical marijuana. One of the rare beginnings of alternative news sourcing.

Well during Cannabis Common Sense I had heard that they have a huge need for people who can grow plants to help sick people.

Well let's just say that struck a chord in my heart and I decided to Dive Right In. Of course there's always a problem I cannot get a medical marijuana card to grow marijuana unless I know a medical marijuana patient. And I can only get into a medical marijuana party to meet medical marijuana patients with a medical marijuana card. So after getting told no quite a bunch I ended up finding an organization called Oregon green free and I called and left a message. I was pretty stunned when I got a call back from the founder mr. Fix it himself. He immediately agreed to send me a test and to evaluate my growing abilities in a personal interview.

So I filled out the test and other than one question it was pretty easy. However there is one question on there that I really want to know the answer to and I cannot find any information about it anywhere.

So I mail it back to ogf. I get a call back and we schedule the interview.

Mr. Fix-It shows up at my house, asks if I have weed. Which of course I do have a little bit but at $300 an ounce back then we couldn't have very much. So mr. Fix-It of course make sure to load quite a few bowls and we talked about my test. I grill him about the one question that I missed and he admits that he is trying to find information about that and gives me what little he knows about the subject. At this point he gave me an A+ and was really excited to have somebody who at least knew the basics about growing plants, let alone somebody who could enjoy mixing soil and the rest of processing medical marijuana.

At this point after hanging out and so forth he asked me to provide him direct evidence of growing marijuana: pictures, stories, Journal....

I asked him not to laugh his ass off. I am growing one plant however it is a mad scientist project.

Project rules.
1 minimal equipment time-space. Adequate nutrients for the project but on Extreme economic budget.

2 time and space are limited. So how fast can we flower.

3 can the tiny seed produce quality...

So mr. Fix-It agrees after chuckling..

So I take him into my spare bedroom of the two bedroom apartment. Ever since my friend stiffed us on being roommates we have just used it as a storage area. I have 3 compact fluorescents strategically positioned with a tiny flower in the center. I have a decent size pot but the plant is only 18 in tall. However it has flowered and is producing a 7 gram bud. And it is extremely pretty and smells absolutely gorgeous. It came from some really good herb that I had bought and saved the seed.

Let's just say mr. Fix it was on the floor laughing his ass off so hard he was crying.

I definitely expected it and teased him a little.

I definitely didn't expect him to whip out his pipe load a massive Bowl and start blazing it while still crying. Even though I told him I am good why not take another puff?

So he gives me an address and tells me to show up Monday morning. When I show up I go to the help desk and nearly get thrown out. I am dying to tell these people that I'm getting a little bit irritated and all the sudden this hidden door opens up and somebody pokes his head out. It happens to be my newfound mentor. Who chases everybody off and tells them it's all good.

So we walk in the office and smoke a bowl and then he takes me on a tour. Let's same first place we go is into and through the office area where I got a lot of heat from the individuals working there... Oh I did...

And immediately we go into the restricted area. And not just any restricted area The Restricted Area of the entire medical marijuana Empire! Let us just say it was a huge mess. So first job was cleaning and organizing the clones and grow area. It grew to encompass everything from teaching grow classes to strain and clone management... Much to the annoyance to the certain office staff. Which... Well that's another story. But most of the office staff was very open to me helping.

Now I had been doing patient support. And due to mr. Fix-It being completely swamped with more pressing matters. We ended up having a meeting about a very special patient. We had an interview and meeting at Oregon green free with this new patient and me and her get it off.

She then signs me out to be her grower.

Well the day came and I head over to her house.


And I remember this mailbox as I walked up the front steps.

My patient was restricted mainly to a wheelchair. The huge northeast Portland house was two stories and the top story was rented out. She only used the main floor and the basement was already wired with electricity to grow.

Now as my patient was in a wheelchair she still did have enough spunk to make it down the stairs to the basement and back up the stairs one time a day. She was an old biker chick who had many stories and a past that was amazing.

As I had many contacts with Oregon green free I put out the word that I needed a jump-start to get this Garden going quickly. I had to get some shrubs not just clones. And I definitely wanted to make sure that the biggest one I got at first started at flower right away so that we could start getting medicine back soon.

Well a couple of friends showed up and had some small plans and we got those going but one friend called me up mysteriously made arrangements to show up at a specific time and deliver a plant.

When I asked him about information on the strain he was extremely mysterious.

But he assured me that this was something amazing and when he delivered the plant he told me the backstory on it. What he knew...

Washington State university had a medical marijuana research grow. This was the strain labeled T-5 and it was smuggled out as this plant was being passed over and being exterminated from the program..

My friend thought that this was an amazing plant and had massive potential. And that it deserved a chance for life.

Well me and my patient threw it into a really big pot with some good soil and put it under a thousand watt high pressure sodium light.

It ended up growing in a bowl shape and completely fit around the light and we had a box fan blowing the heat from the bulb up towards the ceiling.

Let's just say we had some huge colas on that plant.

Well Harvest Time came and we chopped it down and started the entire cure cycle and we did put aside a little bit of herb that we dried faster for this big huge party that my patient got tickets to go to which of course includes me! But let's sample our new flower! Next thing you know my patient jumping out of her wheelchair and doing the dishes while whistling a tune... now up until this time I knew what the tune Dixie was but she told me the name and I put it together. What a memory... And her laughter...

Now this is also the first medical marijuana competition in the state of Oregon as well as an Oregon green free event.

Me and my patient both had 5 grams when we walked through the door. As our tickets were checked and we are VIP, oh yeah my patient was a Judge...

You come across a line of donation boxes. The first Ben was for a huge vaporizer bag. The second was for the contest. You had to throw in 7 grams... and wouldn't you know it my patient donates her 5 grams to the vaporizer bag and then we see the contest and we only have 5 grams left

I Didn't Enter The Contest! I didn't!

However I did go around talking with old friends meeting new friends and having everybody try my new herb. What do you think? How does it taste?

And on top of it there were a pair of guys from High Times who said they were reporters. They happened to sit at the same table as us and they started asking about access to other drugs... hey man can you get any mushrooms hey there any acid here can you get any Molly or Coke?....

Ohhhhh you done did it now girlfriend!

A quick word to the security and as well the founder and my mentor and these two individuals disappeared from the event.

Let's just say I smoked a hell of a lot of pot that night.

And then we had the big announcement for the contest of who had the best herb there. And by majority decision of everybody there voting not just judges it was clear that there was one winner.

T - 5!

Ganja Farmer can you please come up here and here is a beautiful glass trophy.

And then I of course try to argue and inform them that I am not in the competition. Basically they said shut up and take the award and go sit down. Well I don't deal with very well with being bossed around so I snatched the microphone out of my hand and started saying thank you to my patient and to the organization Oregon green free. And then I asked for number two! I am not the only person here growing and let's get him up here as well. So they read the next person's name and he comes up I congratulate him hand him my trophy and tell the crowd that I am officially not in the competition and here is your winner!

Standing Ovation and I got way more respect.

So number two had grown his crop with Miracle Grow. And it was really bad. Potent but wow... Lol. Great guy. And he asked me in front of all the other Growers for a clone of mine. Which I willingly offered him one as well as the rest of the people there and ask them to start a tradition.

The winner of the competition gives away the genetic.

Well as I'm giving away clones and everybody absolutely loves this strain a friend of mine approaches me and asks if he can have two favors.

1 can he rename her... I agree but only if it's something that is worthy of her beauty. Which my friend replies he has the perfect name. He wishes to name her the Sanskrit word for the moment of enlightenment... Satori. I agree... And ask for number 2?

2 can he take her to Amsterdam and perpetually keep the genetic line for patients around the globe?

Why not? You got it all arrainged? He nods smiles and whips out his cell. And a quick affirmation goes out and then he thanks me and says it's on a plane and leaving tonight. The private jet has one passenger and is totally going to skip customs. And Satori.

Then she goes on to win the wake and bake and medicate competition of 2007 in High Times. I really don't know if those judges took those pictures in Oregon but I think they did. I do remember the competition happening in 2006 and it was the next year that Satori was featured by Mandela seed company as an unknown lineage sativa.

For the longest time I would tell personal friends and I would show them a picture from my book. In fact I'll grab my book and show you
Here it is.. It's beat up used hard and still here...



Now let's just say my patient was also one of the federal 7 medical marijuana patients that sued the government to have medical marijuana. Oh and the government had mad joints. Which didn't do anything but give you a headache.

Me and my patient eventually ended up going our separate ways and she passed away a few years later. I wasn't able to attend her funeral.

Thank you all for reading this story and I hope that you've enjoyed it and so does my puppy.

I have been on the fence about really writing a story from my past like this but it is definitely time.

Now I said I'm not going to use any money for a while but if you guys want to vote and help out I am definitely going to get 10 seeds of this historic plant and hopefully I can do a grow this year and get this plant back into nature.

It would be in a really amazing thing to have this flower indigenous to the area and accessible. To all...

Blaze it! Drum circle time!

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This post has received a 33.33 % upvote from @sharkbank thanks to: @ganjafarmer.

Great article, whilst you are waiting for the slow legislation to make more positive changes,we invite you to come plant with us here. I live in Zimbabwe and last week, the government announced the legalisation of growing cannabis for medical and scientific reasons. Registration and licencing add up to US$77,500. I own a 60-hectare farmland, fertile and with sunshine all year round. I am looking forward to be one of the first-movers in the country in this newly created industry. I am also looking for an expert and investor to partner with on this project. Zimbabwe has potential to be one of the lowest cost producers and the regulation is not stringent. Kindly get in touch with me on Telegram @VaMbire

Do you have discord? I have the same name on that app and a chat room as well. Here is the link to my chatroom: https://discord.gg/gxkQSU

And I'm definitely interested in helping out and getting your program going for sure

I have discord, but it's saying the link you gave me has expired. Thanks for your interest in helping out. Can you please resend the link again? It says it needs your 4 digit code.Mine is Tafgong #5635


And I'll try to find you

Friends request sent!

If you end up with more seeds, and want to send some my way, I can grow some out here in Maine :) Maybe a trade?

I've got seeds and maybe can figure a way to send a few. You got discord?


Same name is my discord...

wow that is an incredible story! my garden has a long queue but this one will definitely have to make it in one day. i am very familiar with the name but can't say i've had the pleasure of trying it. i've heard good things and now that i've heard this backstory growing it's a must!

I've had an incredible life. And was honored to have such people in my life!

Hints. She likes actual rain. So a weekly shower during veg is low stress training but she loves it.

She gets huge. I forgot that part... Yeah. And strong.

And very long flowering period. Let her keep going the buds get bigger.

And yep definitely daytime ONLY unless you are working graveyard shift.

Don't think about sleep if you blaze this one!

oh wow, it's always nice to have a jar of daytime smoke, indicas have kinda taken over in my area it's hard to find anything else.

i added a checkout option for steem and sbd, thanks for suggesting that it was a great idea!

Well will you let me be the fist customer?

That would be an awesome first!

And let alone a big first for you! I'm down just gotta get some funds just really boosted that story for $4.

sure i just found this altcoin exchange binance which only requires an e-mail address for registration to exchange SBD/STEEM for bitcoins. most seedbanks accept bitcoin only but imo any cryptocoin is just as good and plus i imagine steem will become fairly big

Oh huge shortly. But want me to shoot over a down-payment?

And i got a few SBD I can transfer over to make the first steem for seed transaction in human history...

And got to write that post too! Right on!

This post has received a 11.76% upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @ganjafarmer.

Very cool, Mandala seeds were some of the first plants I grew--Satori, Hashberry, Ganesh, and Beyond the Brain. Great genetics for a good price, still got some in my seed collection.

Yeah I've been looking for satori seeds for a while now. Epic strain for sure!

If this is true, then it's just another story of a Dutch/Spanish seed bank ripping off original breeders from their work. It's as old as seed industry!

Kinda hard to rip off something that was freely handed out. And yeah no issues with being able to save her. Nice being able to get seeds of her and blaze it again!

Well making tons of money on something that was free in the first place is a kinda ripoff! But every variety that goes around was crated by someone and these people rarely get the credit they deserve!

Unknown lineage... Lol oh I got my credit. And handed it off to the #2 guy and established that you give away the genetic. So having her saved forever? Way more important. But at $300 for 10 seeds? It was free or at most $10 for a clone here.

For $40 a pack of 10? Yep! And to spend SBD to get it? Free money for free seeds!

Wow! She is awesome and here still. And an amazing time in my life. I'll always know what I did and the life I lived.

Besides she was a gift and a miracle. A blessing that fell from the heavens and shared my life and now she can come visit! Besides visit the world...