Why the Term Marijuana is Unacceptable #5

in cannabis •  6 years ago 

Why the Term Marijuana is Unacceptable

Curation Trail Reception #5


CIA, Pulp Mill Bias and Fear of an Immigration Epidemic

The CIA Colluded with American Politicans to Misinform the Pulbic. They Had a Personal Bias for the Pulp Mill Industry and orchestrated a series of false medical studies, medical documents, and linked the term Marijuana to a series of social political circus like events.

The film Reefer Madness, a distasteful atrocity produced to use deceptive mischaracterizations of cannabis, would deeply root these studies and links to the cultures that were tricked into thinking the movie Reefer Madness was an acceptable vision of cannabis culture.

This convoluted social image of cannabis started to escalate when it became associated with Mexican Immigrants and attracted the fear of American Tax Payers who wanted to fight immigration with any tools they had. The government used the falsified studies to push a bipartisan immigration narrative that mischaracterize Cannabis and for nearly 80 years the plant Cannabis would suffer indefinitely as medical studies were halted and doctors were threatened with legal action who would recommend the medicine mischaracterized as Marijuana.

This is further exemplified by the enforcement's use of the term Marihuana on legal documents for criminal charges. Even the highest levels of government in the public sector were effectively misinformed about Cannabis.

> This is why cannabis enthusiasts prefer the Latinate name, *cannabis*.



A popular cannabis reviews and news app and website shares their take in these systematic failures. It also has insight into the Mexican Revolution that played a factor in the fear the Americans had to immigration over the Mexican Border.

The Ottawa Citizen

Canadian news journal outlet The Ottawa Citizen shares the facts on the links between Mexican Immigrants, Racism and the improper mischaracterization of the term Marijuana introduced by the American Government in the 1930's.

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Thanks for posting this series! I 100% support this message.

How long should I keep these daily posts rolling?

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Indeed it is the greatest lie every told, perhaps...

That's still what a lot of "normal" people call it though. I can see both sides of the issue, or at least I could a few years ago. Now the word cannabis isn't as foreign to people as it used to be. During my entire smoking life, no one has ever called it cannabis when referring to it, but they also don't call it marijuana. It's usually weed. ha. Sometimes pot. Or ganj. Not ganja, but ganj ha.

we typically say "want to blaze" or "lets smoke one" as its very socially accepted in my circles. I wont single you out, but in this contexts I might as well call my house maid a servant or slave seeing as some populations refer to them as such. Not singling you out just making the inference that someone could generalize on a lot of demographics or groups of people but that typically doesn't lead to an educated population if Slang is a valued commodity.

At the end of the day, to me, it's about intent. No one intends harm when they use the word marijuana, so it doesn't bother me when I hear it. I never said I was against shedding light on the fact that it has a very negative origin, though. When I learned about it, I started saying cannabis. I just don't mind if people use the word marijuana. That's all.

If you actually have a house maid, congrats. You're doing better than I am in life! :)

Lol no I dont have a maid, it was just an easy to use concept for the purpose of my arguement.

When I was in HS, I remember "The Drug Talk" and saying that Cannabis had no "medicinal value, other than treatment of glaucoma"--and even as a teenager, I knew it was bullshit. I had already seen alcohol do a lot more damage to people than Cannabis ever could.

I'm overjoyed the truth has finally come out. The stigma is evaporating in some areas. Unfortunately, the states where it's still illegal are still struggling.

I know I've become more active, joining @norml and other organizations for ending the failed drug war/prohibition.

Alcohol prohibition should have taught law enforcement a lesson, instead it made policing and "law enforcement" into a business, where illegal cannabis helped the prison industry become an "industry". It still maintained illegal activity, gang-related dealing black market drugs and contributing to the crime rate.

All over a plant. It grows naturally. It's a weed, in fact. Many strains and types that provide many beneficial products that would make some commercial items obsolete. Hmmmm...wonder why it's illegal?

I always heard it was the cotton industry that didn't want hemp, for example, to be legal.

And I always just figured that big pharma and the oil industries didn't want Cannabis in any form to be legal because it would cut into their profits.

That's the crux of it--oh, and back in the 30s, they tried to say that smoking marijuana would make black men rape white women---which added the racist aspect of the drug war--which goes on to this day, albeit for a different reason--just to automatically suspect black people of using marijuana more than a white person would--for example.

A black friend of mine told me she and her brother got pulled over once and the cop scoured the car and found a seed and tried to arrest them. FOR A CANNABIS SEED! Took him 20 minutes to find it.

thank you @grainsofsand for being the prominent insight on this curation trail.

the black men raping white women comes from Reefer Madness, whose director and cast should all be tried for disinformation and defamation of an entire medical science and industry with life sentences.

Youre correct about the cotton industry, the CIA and Ronald Reagan both had a bias and money in the pulp mill industry

I joined NOMRL when I was 16 on Facebook lol i didnt even smoke weed at the time but i wanted science to be done after hearing the claims of medicinal value and the potential for the lies that we have later discovered to be wholesome and truth in their deceptive nature.

I was so excited when I seen norml on Steem but they dont have one lol

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