Juicing raw cannabis heals - Amazing breakthrough!steemCreated with Sketch.

in cannabis •  7 years ago 

From the Video Author:

"Juicing raw, fresh cannabis, is non-psychoactive which means it doesn't get you high and it contains medical properties 200-400 times stronger than traditional, heated cannabis."

This is fantastic news to me; something I had not thought about; might come in handy with anyone you want to try it, and they are afraid of psychoactive effects, or with children, or when you won't want to feel high.

Raw cannabis= Immune modulating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumor/ anti-cancer, pain-relieving, anti-diabetic, antispasmodic, anti-anxiety and so much more!

I found this on youtube and someone there was asking anyone/everyone to repost this video, for the sake of HEMP community awareness.

I think it's great news and very much worth further study. My parents don't appreciate psycho-active effects, but very much could use the healing power, for example.

I would be interested in anyone's feedback that has experience healing with this, etc.

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Juicing and then oil making from the leftover is really a nice idea. In India we do not grow it much and government has ban on its production so how to manage it ?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Own a home; have a fenced back yard and grow it anyway. That's what I did when it was very illegal in CA, and I never had a problem; but I had a house and a fence, and a shed in back, that looks like tools, but it's a greenhouse.
1 closet in the house can act as a nursury for new plants; take them out to the shed to flower them. Very easy to do, but takes time.

I think you saw this; it's not fancy but some day I will fix it up with formatting and pictures:


All that info is in here, and in the other parts, also on my blog.

I hope steemit will help me in buying a house very soon.

With a closet grow, for juicing, couldn't one benefit more from just growing in veg mode and keep stripping it of material?

A lot of folks around here do this. However, with the new possibilities of modernization, many are switching to things like topicals (no psychoactive effects).

We have friends in the area with a child they used to have to have TONS and TONS of leaf to be able to benefit as much as now being able to purchase a little pen with gel in it that they simple put on his skin.

Yes. Juicing is awesome and super beneficial. But it's pretty difficult to grow that much green... unless you know a guy running a grow who doesn't want his leaves.

To be clear, the leaves they often juice are the shade leaves that don't really have any 'crystals' on them and noone really wants them for anything... except those making the Rick Simposon oil (what I was speaking of before). That stuff is amazing!

Keep posting and spreading awareness. We may save a life or two. 😉


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Nice to meet you. Followed.

Very good to know; thanks for the comment!
I usually buy a LB of shake leaf from a grower for $100, to make RS oil; so I can juice it first, seems to me..

I found the curation group today; got the invite, I heard you might be in CA too?

Yes. I think you can juice it first before making it into RS oil... I think. I'd have to ask someone more in the know. I've personally never done it.

I live in Colorado. I prefer mountains to ocean. 😉

Maybe I'll see ya in the chat. 😍

No question in my mind; it will simply reduce the amount of oil collected, if you juice it first.

I think the "Life Force Energy" of juicing raw plant material, plus the raw CBDs should be a great alternative to oil, and for someone fighting cancer, just one more way to make the nutrients available to the body.

Leaves are very high in CBDs and there will still be plenty of THC present as well in both the juice and the oil.

I would love to get some juicable trimmings for my sick father but even in Delaware with a medical permit they on sell concentrates and bud, do you a place where patients may be able to get juice?

Grow your own, I would say... especially in Delaware, or find a grower on Craigslist that will sell you leaf.

I always respect your ideas about this platform....

You doing a very work i wish was here before when my mother was suffering from liver cancer !!

legalize medical weed

@votes+Comments Please back me in my blog posts thanks and I follow you and you follow me//

hmm interesting. I've never heard of this. I did not know you could consume cannabis like that. Have you tried it yet?

No, but every year I make RS oil; so this time, I'll first juice it! Then make oil from the leftovers..

ahhh nice! So many uses for Cannabis! Glad you are able to use it to heal ya! :)

We have a video post coming up shortly about Oils :)

How did this year's RS oil making go with the juicing leftovers?

Cannabis, Spirulina, Chlorella, Chia,
More and more to explore.
Gifts to give to your body and mind.

Mostly due to its medicinal use, California along with other states legalized it. However I doubt if people use it for medicinal purpose rather than recreational use. Bdw how is you potato diet going?

We are talking about medical use of leaf really; and that's really nothing to do with recreational use. People using medical cannabis to fight cancer man!
Potato diet is easy, no problem.. roasting some now!

Yes i understand your post was about benefit of cannabis, i was just mentioning about how people use it for recreational purpose too.

There is defenently benefits to be taken in with this drug, and how its treated now its a shame and im against it to be illegal (legalize is nevere a solution to the addiction problem). But whit the sociaty that we have today I must say we need to develoop more helping services and start building diffrent soils for our children for the futer so that drugs will not be taken as adictive substances. But to the post, Its grate the reashers that is being done now on canabies and its benefits, but as all drugs used daily and for long time have negative affect on the natural function in our brain and body. While theis poeple make sicens on the matter they also make money on the matter, so we need to have a critical thinking even if we see alot of positive benefits with a drug. Im not saying that legalization and the hard peneltyes that this drug has in many places is somthing i like, but just want some critical thinking in the line of post about this new science they do on the drug and many people whos angry that its illigal, Any drug use in day to day life for a long period will have affect on your natural self, and it can have such consicvenses that it will never be able to turn back, and its a grate chance you will give it over to your children. So while some desises can be help true this there need to be a caution of what we want it to become. Thanks for the post!

Thanks Si. I love your content! Thank you for your voice. Upvoted some, and YeS! I juiced cannabis leaves for 2 weeks and felt amazing. Also, I have land in Pavones - A yoga surf mecca. If you ever wanna camp and surf in Costa Rica.

I wonder if this will work with the non psychoactive hemp. It is legal to grow in Tennessee now and I am thinking of getting a permit. We have plenty of land to grow it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Consider this; hemp looks just like the other stuff ;-)
To answer your question; I believe it's best to have THC and CBD for most healing and healthful effects across cancer cell eradication in the brain, fighting dementia, etc.

Also, you should not need a permit. F 'em! Aholes need to give it a rest. Get your laws changed; that's the real course of action.. but you can peacefully co-exist for now (self preservation).

I like a closet to germinate and clone indoors, or section of garage, reflective light-proofed so it's not seen from outside, and efficient reflection. Take outdoors to flower (can be a shed with white covering, lockable). Nobody knows it's there; it's not big. You will have all the leaf you need.
I recommend an indica hybrid that grows quick in hydroponic solution and rockwool. Keep a fresh crop on hand, at all times of year; new crop every 2 months. You don't need a big crop at that point; just enough for friends and family.


This is Tennessee. The wheels of progress sometimes turn slowly. I agree that we shouldn't need permits too. Right now we are not willing to take the risk of growing it ourselves.

Great info, @surfyogi. Cannabis fan leaves are the best! I cannot get or eat enough of them. Straight-up. Like a goat, lol. But sometimes in a smoothie, too :-)


Thanks Si. I love your content! Thank you for your voice. Upvoted some, and YeS! I juiced cannabis leaves for 2 weeks and felt amazing.

Thanks Si. I love your content! Thank you for your voice. Upvoted some, and YeS! I juiced cannabis leaves for 2 weeks and felt amazing.

Thanks Si. I love your content! Thank you for your voice. Upvoted some, and YeS! I juiced cannabis leaves for 2 weeks and felt amazing. Also, I have land in Pavones - A yoga surf mecca. If you ever wanna camp and surf in Costa Rica.

I would love to get some juicable trimmings for my sick father but even in Delaware with a medical permit they on sell concentrates and bud, do you a place where patients may be able to get juice?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Craigslist, find a medicinal grower. Also, you can grow it in 3 months yourself!

Also, you should not need a permit. F 'em!

I like a closet to germinate and clone indoors, take outdoors to flower (can be a shed with white covering, lockable). Nobody knows it's there; it's not big. You will have all the leaf you need.
I recommend an indica hybrid that grows quick in hydroponic solution and rockwool. Keep a fresh crop on hand, at all times of year; new crop every 2 months. You don't need a big crop at that point; just enough for friends and family.
