Weed growing Mormon....

in cannabis •  7 years ago  (edited)

Conservative is the upbringing....very conservative. Parents never smoked, drank, never fought, lived by good health laws....and now their eldest son is growing weed in the garden. It's a scandal!!
Take a look....it's becoming an awesome plant!


So yes, my parents and family are ultra conservative, and I loved the morals and upbringing they gave me. Am I rebelling, am I turning my back on those lessons?
No I'm not, I too am quite conservative. I have never smoked or drank or done drugs. But I AM a strong believer in doing things that are good for you, and not waiting on being taken care of by others.

Cannibanoids are blowing up as a natural healing option for those that are tired of struggling through the medical and chemical world, and owing to the fact that my wife has had cancer, my mother in law has had 2 bouts of cancer (breast and melanoma and is currently going through chemo), its time we start looking at other options other than just the usual courses of action that are told to us by our medical specialists (for which I am grateful, but often believe are led down a path led by money and power- I am a bit of a conspiricist).

So over and above the nagging to get the mother in law in shape, and to improve her diet, we will be growing Hemp in large quantities on the farm in order to reduce it to the oils, for their healing agents.
This is not to replace the current course of action that the mother in law is on, but to supplement the treatments, and also to save us the money of buying the oils regularly.
There is just so much proof out there of the health benefits, that we would be amiss not to try this. Seeing that the current medical options are so much more risky than what this is.

So it is off to get the equipment, growing the plants, learning the reduction methods personally, and adding that to a little coconut oil so that we can drip the oil into the daily diets of these 2 women in my life.

[Img credit]

For those wondering, the growing of 'weed' is legal in South Africa. For personal use in the home, they have no issues. It is when you become a dealer of the product that this is a problem.
It will take about 4grams of the plant to make 1ml of the oil.....so we need a substantial amount to supply the needs here.

So wish me luck as I try to assist in the improvement of their lives. I feel good about trying in this regard. I feel like unless there is money to be made, these options are not 'put out there' for the general public. It's only by well meaning people trying to make others aware of these options that these things become known.

Thank you to all those warriors that did so....now let's see what we can do with a few grams of product, some ethanol and a distiller :)

Please see below for a great video on how to create the oil at home.

[Vid credit Youtube]

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I've been a caregiver and grower for medical patients. And in the Mormon as well as other traditional ways of life... Cannabis gets a pass. It is in the Bible. God gave every seedbearing plant and herb for us to use.

So. Rick Simpson has a book and video. Run From The Cure. It's free on YouTube. Should be uploaded to dtube. But use ethanol extraction as its the best way. Soxlet extractor is best.

And standard treatment for cannabis is 3 grams of oil per day through ingestion.

Nature holds the healing medicine for patients.

Always uphold the Green Union view. Keep the medicine in the hands of the patients. Legalize and advance the rights of the sick first.

Thank you for the message. I loved that we need to keep medicine in the hands of the patients....I just dont trust those with a buck to make.
I will check out Rick Simpson today

Please do!

It was an awesome video mate...thank you!! This is a message I will happily perpetuate!
Cant wait to get to the point of using it

Yep. I
As the Green Union is starting there. Just remember that I founded it! And help patients!

And I am very excited for another person who is motivated to change the world.

My prayers go out to you and your family.

Thank you....and yes you have one of those in your corner :)

Its time people throw away their misconceptions about cannabis. I am a man who works hard for a living, i am a father of two assume boys, I am also a person who uses and grows cannabis. That plant looks great! Mormons are the nicest people ever and looks like the also grow good herb!

Haha yes, there is way too much judgement going on....and frankly it does no one any good.
Thank you, I hope the other ones I've planted come out great as well. The real test comes when we stat drying and extracting the oil...

Yeah it took me 3 harvest to get drying down! Good luck👍

Oh boy! Then lets hope some luck goes my way LOL

I just had bad advice.

Strangely enough , I collected My Wife's Chronic Medication today, The Pharmacist looked quite offended when I referred to him as a Drug Dealer?

Following you! Hahahahahaha

LOL, not just a drug dealer...YOUR drug dealer!

Please sir see my post once

are you married @awgbibb, and what does mean by drug dealer,? haah?

wawoow i love this post its really an healthy post and useful informative of making cannabis oil i have heard about it that it is anti cancer i will use it!

Good luck. the further I look into this the more I realize this is a great method to try out

It's gonna be great experience for you, you'll see. It's a healing plant, doesn't matter what the cannabinoid content is.

But if it's hemp youàre growing I think it's the right direction to turn the flowers into oil. You should get CBD-rich medicine that way... however it's actually THC that can stave off cancer.

Where are your seeds coming from?

Well we will definately be using the ethanol reduction method to get the oils made. I'm a little impatient waiting for the plants to grow :)

The seeds came from our nephew who got a bag of them from Germany. I have no clue about what strain they are etc....like I said I am as conservative as they come.

You have to patient... it's 50% success with cannabis. Ethanol is good and safe extraction method if you can't do it with CO2, which is more efficient, but needs to be done in a lab.

If you don't know the cannabinoid and terpene content of your produce, you can always test them in a lab if there's such a possibility!

Well good luck anyway!

Where would one go for that kind of test....I can just imagine the way that conversation would go lmao.
Thanks again for your input and assistance

Many companies are beginning for testing across the world! And awesome thought! Grow without pesticides!

We are growing naturally....also leaving the pests to sort themselves out for now...if they become a major issue then we will use thigns like garlic spray

Diatomatious Earth! Add to the soil and no bugs. Powder spray helps kill them too. It's nontoxic to humans and full of chelated micronutrients!

For a second I thought you were exclaiming....you know, like...crikey moses!! :)
Will check it out

when you burn the plant refuse, just give me a shout, I will need to plan a trip (pardon the pun)

LMAO! I have a nephew here that will fight you for that 'trip'!
I heard that there are uses for the leftovers...like hemp bricks....I must look into that too

This plant can save this world! So glad people of all backgrounds are finding this truth. We evolved with this plant, it can provide abundance for us. Thanks for sharing your connection to this plant!

Thank you. I plan to do my best to get the best out of it...hold thumbs for us


Great pic

I was raised Mormon, and now I grow medical cannabis for a living. Needless to say most of the people I grew up with still think I'm a drug dealer even though I serve cancer patients.

OW! Look, I expect some to feel the same about us. But truth is, life has a way of helping us soften our hearts towards others, and this usually happens by our own hardships which allow us to recognise others. Perhaps the same will happen?

thank u very much for sharing.

Any time :)

Anything that you miss use for recreational use is not allowed in the church. I happen to know of one ward in the area that happens to share the same open mind view for medical patients

lovely post...i like this

Glad you liked it...hopefully will make a difference

very excellent your post . so nice your good job thanks

Thank you @rahuljoy

What a Plant

It definitely seems like it...with so many benefits coming to the fore

i decarb a gram in tin foil in oven 20 mins then use a mason jar double boiler mix in weed with coconut oil..but i need to find lechtin supposed to help absorb the weed into the oil and get into your system fast.

Lechtin? Is that a oil or something additional to add to the mix?
I really appreciate the advice though

wow very nice post.... & beautiful photo......

thanks @towjam for share......

Appreciate the note. Hope it helped somewhat

this is really awesome and thanks for sharing @awgbibb

Wish me luck :)

impressive post i lik it thank you for sharing

Thank you

wow really awesome and sir @awgbibb thanks for sharing this post with us :)

I agree...thank you @awgbibb

nice post thanks for sharing..

Thank you