Sun System and Cannabis

in cannabis •  7 years ago  (edited)

So I have been using an 90 somewhat dollar system by SunSystem. HPS.
My cannabis plants react pretty darn well to it. You can see their image.
I have been growing Valley Girl and Dream Queen.
And budding is okay. Great value lamp. For value growth, meaning, you get buds point blank.
But you would not enter the buds into a competition.
Lately I was told that I should get Johnson Grow Lights. Do you know how much that is?
These retail at $1,249.
Okay, so that is out of my budget. The guys from dfz radio could probably help me win one on their radio station but I would have to come up with a sappy story about how my life is not so good and then maybe a manufacturer would take me into consideration into supplying one for free
I don't think it is worth it. Actually the whole project stinks to me. And I think I am going to modify it to grow vegetables. They would do just fine with those SunSystem watts.1503252816751-961093367.jpg

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