Cannabis Oil Saving People's Lives - Emancipated Human

in cannabisoil •  9 years ago 

This is a very inspiring interview you do not want to miss. Watch how a little girl goes from using FDA approved drugs for seizures to Cannabis Oil and she dramatically improves her quality of life.

We all have heard about this sort of thing but it is certainly much more powerful to actually listen to someone discuss their first hand account of using the Cannabis Oil.

During the interview I show a 45 second clip of Susan Meehan’s daughter being given Cannabis Oil for her seizures and they immediately go away. You have to see it to believe it.

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Everyone has a right to choose their own medicine!

That shows you what kind of a world we live in.....

everyone should have a right to choose their own medicine.

It is mostly CBD that appears to have the strongest anti-inflammatory effect, which results in significant reduction in seuzures. Here locally my state of Utah legalized the import of CBD for patients with epilepsy, and why the local university at the same time became study site to test the pharmaceutical's synthetic version. The University of Utah told the parents of these kids they couldn't use the natural CBD and be a part of the study and the real kicker...the pharma drug will cost $10,000/month. So after all of this the initial results of the pharma version is 0-20% reduction in seizures and 60-80% for the CBD. I think it is an absolute disgrace how the US government has criminalized this plant. The medical community as a whole should feel ashamed how they have stood by and watched millions suffer from opiate addiction/death/distruction and at the same time allowed suffering from neurological pathology like seizures-pain-neuropathy-terminal illness (to name only a few from a very long list). If you have any doubt how horrible our system is then just listen to psychopaths that say cannabis should be illegal...including its CBD that isnt even psychoactive. Pure greed and power is the only thing that keeps this drug war going.

Thanks for posting, this motivates me to publish a lot of my research.

Unfortunately these are valid points your making. Still I strongly believe that the opinion of the public can always be altered. Keep posting, keep informing each other. Stay positive and keep spreading the word!

A very valuable post!
This is nothing new to me....I have been researching and been aware of the truly miraculous potential of the cannabis plant for a very long time. I know countless people who attest to this and have seen thousands of scientific studies of which prove it to be one of the most if not the most valuable medicine on earth!
Whats even worse is that its ILLEGAL and the POLICE STATE uses that to make money via citations, jail, probation, confiscation and government funding. They used the drug war to waste $350,000 of tax payer dollars to raid my sustainable community with a fully battle ready BLACK OPS SWAT team, destroying our food gardens in their wake while finding NOTHING in their warrant.
If you want to check out my story on Steemit I would be honored~

Incredible! Such a powerful medicine, yet people are being terrorized and thrown in prison for mere suspicion of this real life?!?!

But they make it illegal so that you buy the crappy medicines from the big pharma, instead othe effective medicines that would cost relatively little if it were legal.

Bravo! Fantastic reporting sir.

Gracias, Barry! Means a lot coming from a pro like you.

My heart goes out to her. Thanks for doing your bit of sharing this video. Every Government policy maker should watch this film. Pharmaceutical executives should be BANNED from ever donating to politicians, where they BUY influence in policy decision making. Total scum bags with their banker friends.

thank you. the saddest part is that cindimae passed earlier this year. :(

Nature=natural medicine a great post@emancipatedhuman. This is proven to be a healer for numerous illnesses cancer etc. But most of all my personal reason is becoming disabled due too a well known statin 10 years ago not to mention names but the fact that proven example is what all forms of medicine such as all forms of cannabis should already be legal and used. All the best to you.

Everyone has the right to choose their own poison!

What poison? thing I've tried to understand about people who claim medicinal benefits of ganja is why do a majority? smoke it?
I thought smoking was harmful to health...?

The west lives in dictatorships controlled by the Zionist criminals Rothschilds
and the Rockefellers who owns western governments and make their laws... Cannabis oil would replace multimillion Rockefellers pharmaceutical cartel and western tax payers so much money

I really believe that this kind of strugle (the kind where are basically individuals vs goverments laws in logical matters, where some cientifical research can resolve the item but goverments wont take action in order to avoid getting criticism on their own or their party) are something that shows the actual inoperant state of laws emited by Representative Goverments. The answer to many of our problems is to get back to the origins of Democracy, where the people Actually made decisions.

Let's face the fact: cannabis is illegal for the same reasons that we're funding illegal and immoral wars in the Middle East. The government, and the corporations that fund political campaigns, achieve greater profits keeping this plant illicit. If they don't care about throwing bombs on children (and innocent adults), what makes anyone think that they care about people like Susan Meehan and her sick child? We could make a list that stetches a mile of all the entities that benefit from illicit drugs.

Too many people in America (and across the world) jump to the conclusion that campaign finance reform is the way to deal with corporations and their corrupting influence on the political process. The answer is to work towards entirely eliminating government.

check out Rick Simpson oil:

I would appreciate any details on using these oils to treat ALS.

Strong message on a pretty taboo subject if you ask me.
This is pretty good in-depth reportage on how the Dutch deal with CBD oil.
it has English Subs. Just hit the CC button in the bottom left part of the player.

Excellent as we all need the alternate reality if you can see it.

Marijuana is a gateway to other natural remedies, you must go to jail for the children's sake. Vote democrat or republican! USA USA USA!

Hillary may need a truck load of this stuff to calm her seizures!

I use Cannabis everyday to control my trigeminal neuralgia. I use tegretol when its at suicidal levels, but with marijuana that has become far and few between episodes..

Everyone should see how cannabis can heal people.. especially children.

Cannabis help people in all world i cant understand why this is ilegal in a few country.

The physical healing properties of CBD are amazing. The psychological healing properties of THC are equally amazing. Why is this plant illegal again?

Yes, hemp has so many good characteristics, great article!