Is car title loan worth opting against bank loan?

in car •  6 years ago 

Loan is the process of providing financial aid to people in need. One can easily find number of lending companies in their local area however they differ from each other in terms of structure and processing. Some of the loan processes are secured while other are unsecured, the secure loan process offers comparatively better interest rate to an individual in comparison to unsecured loan as they use valuable assets of an individual as collateral to secure the amount of loan and reduce the risk rate involved.

Any individual can stuck in financial crisis and getting through it could be difficult especially when one holds really bad credit score. Credit score can be defined as combination of three digit number which states complete credit history or creditworthiness of individual. Most of the lender determines credit score of individual as the eligibility criteria to qualify for the loan process and hence people with bad credit score feel helpless.

In such situation, car title loans come as savior for people providing them with instant access to cash. In comparison to traditional loan process, car title loan provides plethora of benefits to the borrower. The traditional loan processes have complex working structure and are said to be lengthy process. In addition, one also needs to hold a good credit score to qualify for the title loan and should be able to provide enough documents for processing. Traditional loan may not be the best available choice for people who are in urgent need of cash to deal with some emergency situation like medical bills or some surprise expenses.

On the other hand, title loans are well known for its simple structure and easy processing. As the name suggests, to qualify for title loan borrowers are required to hold a clear and lien free vehicle title which must be on his name. Vehicle title or pink slip is an essential vehicle document which states the ownership of vehicle. Title loan lender uses vehicle title of individual as the collateral to secure the amount of loan and reduce the risk rate involved. Since the equity in vehicle secures the amount of loan lender doesn’t determine credit score or financial background of individual to check on their repayment ability. Moreover, title loan requires minimum of paperwork, the borrower is only required to provide some of the basic documents which include clear and lien free vehicle title accompanies by copy of government-approved photo identity proof, car insurance papers and regular income slip.

The representative of lending company thoroughly analyze the condition of a vehicle whose title is used as collateral, since the amount of loan is finalized as per the worth of vehicle. While applying for title loan one can get a maximum of $50,000 depending on the significance of the vehicle including make, made, year of manufacture and condition of the vehicle. Getting a title loan is easiest and complete loan process is completed within few hours.

In a nutshell, when dealing with financial crisis which demands quick cash flow, car title loan is undoubtedly the best available solution.

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First off I want to say that this was very good and informative so thank you!

I wanted to mention that getting a loan from a tradional bank is not easy and can be very complicated. They usually have lower interest rates than car title lenders but they have a long and complicated process and if you got bad credit you can even forget about applying.
Car title loans Sacramento has the easiest auto loan service one could ask for. They provide same day funding and accept all credit scores.
They base the amount of loan you can get on your car value. So don't worry about your credit score.
You can also do the whole process online by filling out their application form on their website