Weekly Card Reading - New Moon Guidance Aug 28 - Sept 6

in cardreading •  8 years ago  (edited)

Sunscape's weekly reading...

Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

- Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, number 2, number 3 or number 4.

- Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.

- Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.

- This is purely for entertainment purposes only.

- If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

This weeks reading is from the Oracle Card Decks

Past Life & Souls Journey

by Doreen Virtue & James Van Praaagh

I will be sharing the information on each card according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook that accompanies the deck. I am writing them word for word, as that is how Oracle Card Readings are done. Enjoy!

New Moon Guidance Card 1


I choose to focus on the lighter side of life

There are definitely parts of life that require your serious attention, but you have to learn to have fun. Don't neglect things that bring you joy or make you laugh. Besides the health benefits to your physical body, your emotional and mental bodies reap huge rewards from the art of joy.

Seek out the people who make you feel good about being alive. Avoid cynicism and pessimism. Always look at your cup as being half-full instead of half-empty. The endless chatter of this physical dimension can seep into your conscious mind, so do your best to listen to happy music, read soul-enriching fiction, and be wary of movies or TV shows that can darken your mood.

Happy people attract happy people.

New Moon Guidance Card 2


You drew this card because you had a significant past lifetime in Celtic lands, and you continue to feel bonded to this culture. Perhaps you've lived in or visited the isle of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or England. If so, you may have a sense of de'ja'vu and be an Angolphiel - a person who adores these cultures. You're also fascinated with Stonehenge and King Arthur's Camelot.

You may have learned the "Old Religion" of the Celtic lands, which involved the use of healing herbs and gaining wisdom form oak trees. You could even be an ancient Druid in disguise! Your connection to the elemental realm has made you love fairies, elves, and all fae. You also respect and love trees, especially oaks and willows.

If you haven't already done so, schedule some visits to the ancient sacred areas of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Exploring their stone circles, castles, and spiritual artifacts may trigger additional healing memories.

New Moon Guidance Card 3


I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to

As a soul, you are on a mission in this physical dimension. You are the only one who knows the correct path to take. Your intuition - your connection to Spirit - is your compass. You have the power to stay the course, and you are stronger and more determined than you might first think. In order to experience many successes in life, you must matures and realize the strength within yourself and the quality of inner courage.

Life doesn't just happen - we must make it happen. It is natural for us in this human school to shy away from what we believe to be difficult, because we concern ourselves with how others will perceive us. We are afraid of failure, ridicule, or coming up short.

Now is the time to make the proper changes and take risks and do things you never thought you could before. Your soul must learn to become aware of its "inner strength." Live the joyfulness your soul yearns for and engage in activities you have always wanted to try but were afraid you'd fail at. Your soul would not yearn for something that you couldn't accomplish. You have the strength and fortitude to be capable of greatness.

New Moon Guidance Card 4

Karmic Relationship

This card indicates that one or more of the people in your current life are from previous lifetimes. You both ended your relationships with karmic imbalances. This means that one or both of you are most likely harboring old feelings that need to be healed and released. When this occurs, you will be set free from recurring destructive and toxic relationship patterns.
In some case, this card will arise when there's a reunion with a beloved soul from a previous life. Perhaps you've finally reconnected with a romantic partner from you past, or a new friendship is bringing you great joy. With healthy past-life connections you'll immediately feel a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Your new moon guidance card is in regard to a question or concern that involves a karmic relationship. Fortunately, you can appeal to Heaven for help in releasing any old, stuck energies or emotions. You may also be guided to work with a specialist in past-life regression and relationship healing.

This weeks spirit guidance

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this weeks oracle card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. I hope you had fun and found inspiration in the post.

Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed it.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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I chose card 2. I have had a connection with trees pretty much forever, am of Celtic heritage, and yearn to travel in the UK. Thanks for sharing!

Wow, that is so amazing, I love it when everyone resonates with the card chosen. Start seeing yourself in the UK and before you know it you will be there. You have great vibes calling you!

I'm sure you already know. LOL.

LOL.... I had a good idea for you this week. great to see you stop in. I've been checking on your posts. You are such a good poet. love your poems.

Thank you very much, I have been focusing more on the rhythm lately to make sure they flow better. I usually stop in whenever I see one of your post, but I am following so many people now it can get hard to keep up. I do my best though :)

I understand totally, I am trying so hard to keep up with all the new people I know. Enjoy your week and keep those poems a coming

nice post my friend, upvote

Thank you @riostarr glad you liked the reading

Number 2, I'll visit England soon, would love to see Stonehenge.

That is a great card! Stonehenge would be amazing to experience. The vibes and connection to the land would be great to assist one on their journey. Thank you for stopping by to read this weeks cards.

Nice dear friend :)