How to give back change as a cashier without making mistakes

in cashier •  8 years ago 

Today I will tell you how to give back change to customers 

When you work in a videoshop or anywhere where customers pay with cash then you have to know how to calculate the change money without making a mistake.

Let's say Mr. Snyder enters the shop and brings back Blade 2. He rented it for 2 days so he has to pay 8 euros. He hands you a twenty euro note but how do you know how much to give him back without making a mistake?

Wait! Don't put the twenty note in the cash register yet. Put it on the desk next to you. This is important so that later both of you know how much he gave you. 

Alright, first count from 8 to 10 which is 2 and take 2 euros out of the cash register. Then you count up to 20 which is 10 and so you take a ten note. You have reached the amount you received and can hand him the money.

Let's say the price is 8.75 euro and the customer gives you a ten euro note. Now you do it the same way but take a five cent coin first, then a twenty cent coin and last but not least a one euro coin. There you go. 

There are special occasions where a customer will give you two euros and a twenty cent coin but the price is only 1,20. This is because he doesn't have a one euro coin. In this case count from 1.20 to 2.20 and give him back one euro. You could also first count from 1.20 to 2 euro and then to 2.20 but this is only necessary when the difference is not that easy to see. 

Image credit of the cash register

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Upvoted and resteemed!!!

BIG thank you!

I had no idea! Cracking post!

Rock n Roll! I thought too that it might not have been here before and the usefulness and simplicity.. I am a goddamn genius :D

I think you might have missed the rather underhand slap.
I think I am going to change tack on my creativity direction if this is the prevailing target level of experience sharing!

So you don't like it?
It's OK. There are tons of people who google that every day because they start a job as a cashier

Do they need help with which shoe/which foot? Come on dude!

Did you start off the day trying to be a jerk or is this a special occasion? If the information isn't useful to you, then move along. No need to stop and fling insults.

Come on, dude, indeed.


For you still mr shla and now fuck you and have a good day! :-)

I think that you and @auntdeb should take a chill pill - I had a friendly dig at a post which you wrote. If you can write a post you can subtract 8 from 20. As mentioned below - Euros or Dollars. If you would like to start swearing and carrying on like a baby, be my guest. People are trying to dissuade people from posting as you did today. Would your teacher from school be proud of you? No ... ipso facto!

says euros
picture of dollars