My god, cats only have a 16-hour memory? But what are some things that cats can remember for a lifetime?

in cat •  7 months ago  (edited)

In spite of the fact that felines' recollections are separated into momentary memory and long haul memory, even long haul memory isn't long, yet a few profound recollections can cause felines to recall for a lifetime.

  1. Feline transient memory


The majority of felines' recollections are exceptionally short. Individuals for the most part accept that felines' transient memory is just 16 hours.


In other words, most felines' recollections are just 16 hours, and assuming that felines are unexpectedly hindered while getting things done, they may not recall what they were doing a few seconds ago.

  1. Felines' drawn out memory isn't long

In spite of the fact that felines' drawn out memory is called long haul memory, this supposed long haul memory isn't long.

Individuals for the most part accept that felines' drawn out memory is just 2 months.


In other words, regardless of whether felines have long haul memory, they can recall things 2 months prior.

  1. Which recollections can be kept in felines' lives

In spite of the fact that felines' transient memory and long haul memory are not excessively lengthy, felines likewise have a few recollections that can be associated with a lifetime.

Felines' recollections of their moms and felines' recollections of their youngsters' calls are extremely profound.

Felines likewise have a long memory of their nearest proprietors, yet they don't recollect different proprietors who don't take care of them frequently or are not near them.

On the off chance that you play a video of a long-dead proprietor on a cell phone for a feline, the feline will show loving activities to the new telephone and make teasing commotions subsequent to tuning in for some time.

When I was on a long excursion for work (worked in a branch office 2,000 kilometers away), and I didn't get back home for close to a portion of a year. My feline welcomed me at the entryway to the surprise of no one, and the energized feline howled for quite a while when he saw me.

In the expressions of my significant other


This time, the feline expressed more than I did in the beyond a half year.
Thus, felines might have the option to pick how long to keep their recollections. Some are simply passing guests in the feline's brain, while others will be recalled by the feline for a lifetime as late as possible.

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