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The Turkish Angora (Turkish: Ankara kedisi, 'Ankara cat' is a breed of domestic cat. Turkish Angoras are one of the ancient, natural breeds of cat, having originated in central Turkey, in the Ankara region. The breed has been documented as early as the 17th century and is believed to be the origin of the mutations for both the color white[citation needed] and long hair[citation needed]. The breed is also sometimes referred to as simply the Angora or Ankara cat.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_Angora]
Persian Cats
The Persian cat (Persian: گربه ایرانی, romanized: Gorbe Īrānī) is a long-haired breed of cat characterized by its round face and short muzzle. It is also known as the "Persian Longhair" in the English-speaking countries. In the Middle East region, they are widely known as "Shirazi cats" and in Iran they are known as "Shiraz cat". The first documented ancestors of the Persian were imported into Italy from Iran (historically known as Persia in the west) around 1620. Recognized by the cat fancy since the late 19th century, it was developed first by the English, and then mainly by American breeders after the Second World War. Some cat fancier organizations' breed standards subsume the Himalayan and Exotic Shorthair as variants of this breed, while others treat them as separate breeds.
The selective breeding carried out by breeders has allowed the development of a wide variety of coat colors, but has also led to the creation of increasingly flat-faced Persians. Favored by fanciers, this head structure can bring with it a number of health problems. As is the case with the Siamese breed, there have been efforts by some breeders to preserve the older type of cat, the traditional breed, having a more pronounced muzzle, which is more popular with the general public. Hereditary polycystic kidney disease is prevalent in the breed, affecting almost half the population in some countries.
In 2015 it was ranked as the second most popular breed in the United States according to the Cat Fanciers' Association.[5] The first is the Exotic breed. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_cat]
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