It would be much easier to support causes if they would just stay in their lanes.

in causes •  2 years ago 


I used to support Pride, then they stopped allowing Jewish stars on flags at events (they're officially anti-Israel/pro-Palestine), started demanding financial reparations for slavery and won't allow police to run security at their gatherings (anti-cop is another official stance), so now I guess I'm done with them--for reasons that have nothing to do with my stances on gay rights.

Then there's "anti-racism."

Of course I'm "anti-racist."

Who in their right mind isn't?

BUT of course that requires me to take a stand against the West in general.

The West, responsible for the Enlightenment, antibiotics, space travel, representative government, and God knows what else--not to mention capitalism, which has elevated more people from crushing poverty globally than any other system in history.

Noble "causes" now come with so much baggage that supporting them can do as much societal harm than rejecting them. So when people react negatively to a character in film being racially flipped, or made gay, or whatever, give it a little more thought than just, "AMERICA HATES MINORITIES!"

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