10 Things to Keep in Mind When Buying CBD Oil

in cbdoil •  4 years ago 

There are many CBD oils on the market, but not all of them are equally good. Let's find out which CBD oil to buy.

Thanks to studies and constant disclosure of information, more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of CBD oil. CBD is a cannabinoid that has no intoxicating effects and, thanks to its many properties, the number of people using it to treat various health-related issues is increasing.

Probably the most famous compound in the cannabis plant is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Although THC and CBD are produced from the cannabis plant and both have health benefits, THC is known for its intoxicating effects.

Despite the many scientific studies highlighting the health benefits of CBD oil, cannabis is still struggling to shake off the label and the bad reputation of being "just a drug".

Can CBD Products Be Freely Purchased?

Cannabidiol can be bought and sold freely, for example in the form of food supplements.

Some of the versatile effects of CBD oil are pain relief, inhibition of inflammation, relaxation, reduction of fear, and improvement of sleep quality.

CBD can be taken in several ways: orally in the form of drops or as a paste, in the form of a spread, in capsules, in tablets, or even as a liquid for the vaporizer.

Buying CBD oil for the first time can be tricky. In fact, there are many things to pay attention to; this is because there are many CBD products on the market that can differ from each other.

CBD oils differ not only in the concentration of CBD, which obviously plays an important role in the effects in the body but also in their production process, purity and origin of hemp.

CBD oil is most commonly used for pain relief. It can also be used to reduce inflammation and anxiety.

Many people prefer to take as few drugs as possible, especially as the number of drugs prescribed increases with age; these people are therefore looking for natural alternatives.

For many of them, CBD oil is the ideal solution. But not all CBD oils are created equal. For this reason, choosing the right product is very important.

1. Where Did Hemp Grow And What Could It Contain?


Hemp is a bioaccumulator, a natural product that absorbs good and bad substances from the air, water, and soil on which it is grown. It is therefore very important to know that the CBD oil you buy comes from organically grown hemp in organic cultures of Germany, Austria, or other EU countries.

What is Hemp Used For?

Hemp is very versatile, it is not to be considered exclusively an illegal drug. In fact, for thousands of years, hemp fibers have been extracted "from the miraculous herb" to make, for example, highly tear-resistant clothing. Even today, hemp seeds and hemp oil are often part of a healthy diet as they are very nutritious.

Is Hemp Oil Healthy? What Is It Good For?

Hemp oil is particularly valuable vegetable oil. Today it enjoys the reputation of "superfood" because it is very good for health.

It is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These fat are important for our body which is unable to produce them by itself. That's why it's essential to integrate them into your diet.

Women In Particular Are At Risk of Being Omega-3 Deficient

Additionally, hemp oil has a blend of other nutrients to offer. These include calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, vitamin A, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5, vitamin B9 (folic acid), vitamin D, and antioxidant vitamin E (tocopherols).

What Can Hemp Oil Do For The Skin?

When applied externally, hemp oil can provide hydration, improve skin elasticity, promote hair growth, and prevent hair loss.

By seeing these results through an external application, you can be sure that the CBD oil purchased has not accumulated toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, or heavy metals. Some Austrian growers also make sure that hemp plants are grown at a low density so that each plant gets much lighter.

Fortunately, today the culture in favor of organic products has spread regardless of whether it is a fruit, vegetables, cereals, or hemp.

Some cancers are often mentioned in relation to the use of pesticides and herbicides:

  • Skin cancer
  • The leukaemia
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
  • Multiple myeloma

Because of these potential dangers from chemicals, hemp has been placed on the list of products where organic quality is essential.

You can be sure that purchased CBD oil is free of contamination when the manufacturer leaves product traceability available; starting from the cultivation passing through each of the production phases. Normally these products carry a certificate.

Is Cannabidiol Only Available With A Prescription?

A prescription is not required to get CBD products, as long as the THC content does not exceed 0.2%.

The important factors to refer to when buying CBD oil:

  • Organic Hemp
  • Grown in Europe
  • Reliable manufacturer
  • Not more than 0.2% THC content

2. The CBD Concentration of The Product

In general, CBD products are sold with a CBD content between 2.5% and 30%. Depending on the severity of the health problems encountered, a product with a higher or lower CBD concentration must be selected.

Most of the oils on the market contain 5% CBD; the healthiest natural products are always a blend of CBD and CBDa.

What Percentage Should You Start With?

Most people who start using CBD products start with a 5% or 10% oil product, or CBD capsules. The dose may be further increased over time.

Is hemp oil the same as CBD oil? What is the difference between hemp oil and CBD oil?

Hemp oil is obtained from hemp seeds which have a completely different composition than hemp leaves and flowers, from which CBD is obtained. They do not contain cannabinoids but only traces of it.

This means that hemp seed oil cannot have an intoxicating effect and, moreover, its effect on health cannot be compared to CBD.

CBDa is a "precursor" of CBD; it in turn has many positive effects and allows the body to absorb more CBD.

In case of acute or chronic pain, it is necessary to buy at least 8% CBD oil, in case of ailments such as fibromyalgia a CBD paste with 16%, in case of cancer 30% is also recommended.

Pay attention to the following information regarding CBD products:

The CBD content, normally between 2.5 and 30%, depending on health problems.

The relationship between CBD and CBDA - products containing only CBD are synthetic

3. Is CBD Oil Legal?

During 2019, the EU published a guide stating that CBD products are considered "novel foods". It can take up to 3 years for the approval of a "novel food" by the competent EU bodies; this could create some compliance issues in countries where CBD products are already freely available.

Not all CBD products can be bought and sold in every European country. For example, CBD isolates are not sold in the Netherlands and CBD is not legal in Slovakia at all.

The situation in Italy is complex and still being defined, so it is good to pay attention and get well informed.

It is very important to always do your research before embarking on a journey with CBD products to avoid inconvenience and potential legal problems.

In Which Countries Is CBD Legal?

The growing interest in the properties of CBD for medical purposes has led to its legalization in almost all EU countries, with a few exceptions.

Is Hemp Tea Legal?

Hemp tea is legal in most EU countries if it does not contain more THC than allowed by local law.

4. The Purity of the Product

Since CBD products are intended to improve health, it is important to make sure they are free from harmful substances. The only guarantee that these are organic products is organic certification. With certified products you have the opportunity to know each stage of production; from cultivation to the finished product, everything is monitored and controlled.

Cheap products may contain the following pollutants:

  • Heavy metals
  • Pesticides
  • Bacteria and fungi
  • Foreign bodies
  • Solvent residues (extraction process)

5. The Method of Extraction

Getting CBD oil from hemp is a complex process. The cheapest and simplest methods of extracting CBD oil from hemp require the use of aggressive solvents that can leave chemical residues in the CBD oil.

The best and most reliable method of extraction uses carbon dioxide (CO2) at high pressure and low temperature. This allows you to get as much CBD extract as possible without impurities.

Thanks to this method, all the other valuable ingredients of hemp are preserved during the extraction, including terpenes, flavonoids and other cannabinoids. As soon as the CO2 is no longer under high pressure it evaporates, leaving no traces in the CBD oil.

Advantages of CO2 extraction:

  • High quality
  • No solvents/chemicals
  • Free of butane, propane, and ethanol

6. Taste and Alternatives

CBD is usually taken in the form of an oil. Some people, however, dislike its taste. This happens because CBD products are natural, with no added artificial additives that can make its taste more pleasant.

What Does CBD Oil Taste Like?

The taste can vary from product to product. Products that contain additives and flavor enhancers may have a more pleasant taste but are not recommended as first choice products. CBD oils without additives, for their part, have the natural taste of carrier oil - usually hemp oil or coconut oil.

There are now numerous alternatives to CBD oil:

  • CBD capsules
  • CBD spray
  • CBD resin
  • CBD globules
  • Hemp flower tea

7. Is the Shop Authorized?

Things to look for and check: the phone number, email address, and company address.

Some companies want to remain anonymous on the Internet. A company that provides their customer service phone number, where someone actually answers, is already a sign of trustworthiness. Companies with lower quality products are relatively difficult to reach and it is often difficult to find company details and contacts.

It is always best to try to contact customer service before placing an order. If you get an answer over the phone or are contacted following a request for information, you are probably dealing with a reputable company.

It may sound trivial, but most of the more reputable stores that sell CBD products offer a free shipping option if the order value is equal to the price of the smallest bottle of CBD oil ordered. This allows you to get the additional CBD oils ordered with free shipping.

Thus the price difference between a quality product and a cheap product is put into perspective. In doing so, shops specializing in low-cost products have to charge for shipping costs.

8. What are the Most Frequent Complaints?

It is strictly forbidden to make medical false claims about the effectiveness of CBD products in treating ailments or their symptoms.

While research has shown that CBD oil can help people tremendously, companies licensed to sell CBD products will forgo direct medical inquiries.

What does cannabidiol do? What effect do CBD drops have?

Cannabidiol (CBD) can be used to treat minor ailments such as occasional sleep problems, stress, and mild headaches as well as more severe conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, and even cancer. Medically it has antispasmodic (suppresses muscle spasms), anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic (inhibits anxiety), and antiemetic (inhibits nausea) effects.

Do CBD Drops Have Side Effects?

Compared to many conventional medicines, CBD has few and mild side effects. It is generally considered to be a safe substance, however, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Find out all about the possible side effects of cannabidiol here.

While research has shown that CBD oil can help people tremendously, licensed CBD companies will avoid direct medical inquiries.

9. Is Economic Synonymous With Quality?

When it comes to CBD oil, choosing a low-cost product isn't always an ideal solution; this is because the steps required to extract and produce CBD oil are not cheap.

Unlike cheaper chemical extraction processes that can leave residues of toxic solvents like butane, propane, and ethanol in CBD oil, the CO2 extraction process requires complex equipment and a high level of expertise.

CO2 extraction generally carries a higher price; guarantees quality, purity, and efficacy, especially when used to extract CBD oil from organically grown hemp in Europe.

Reasons why a higher quality CBD oil can cost more:

  • Origin from organic farming
  • Made with CO2 extraction
  • Good CBD / CBDa ratio
  • Grown in Europe
  • Laboratory tested
  • Marketed by an authorized company
  • Made with high-quality full-spectrum extract so that other beneficial compounds like terpenes are present

10. Reviews And Forums

We must not believe exclusively in shops: the experiences reported by other customers are more reliable! A trusted CBD seller will provide a platform where customers can share their experiences with CBD products and with the same seller/supplier.

To be able to see the experiences of our customers, you can join our Facebook group CBD Oil - Opinions and Experiences and exchange opinions with a variety of other users.

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