ccFOUND: The most popular education portal in the world.

in ccfound •  3 years ago  (edited)

One of the best slogan i ever seen

The Past was about information
The Present is about knowledge
The Future is about wisdom



Experts say that the age of information is over. Today, everyone has access to it. We already live in the era of knowledge and wisdom (that are conected with skills and competences), because now they give us an advantage and are a scarce commodity. But today’s tools, such as Google and Wikipedia, are still the solutions of the information era. The one who creates the wisdom search tool will now win on the market.

Invest in the first worldwide wisdom marketplace We are launching ccFOUND for knowledge seekers and providers. ccFOUND CEO, Piotr Michalak, will keep you in the loop on the details during our upcoming webinars for investors. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be among our founders: subscribe to our newsletter to receive access to upcoming webinars!

The Problem of Information Chaos

Today, access to information alone is not enough to achieve success in a given field. In order to assess or understand, for example, an investment or a disease, you need to do hours of research by opening dozens of tabs in your browser. Effect? We live in a chaos of information overload. The Internet has led us to shallow and hasty processing; the ability to remember and concentrate fades.


In order to assess or understand an investment or a disease, you need to do hours of research by opening dozens of tabs in your browser.

You can always ask on social media sites. But they are governed by attention-grabbing algorithms, full of hate and clickbait content.

The effect? We live in a chaos of information overload. The Internet has led us to shallow and hasty processing; the ability to remember and concentrate is fading away.

Let’s organize the Internet again. Let’s pave the way for sharing knowledge and wisdom online.

It is people who create content for other people. Google makes it easy to find them. But what if there is no answer to the question on the Internet, or it is in a different language? Google does not associate those who ask questions with those who can answer them. Wikipedia leaves no room for an opinion exchange. Quora and Yahoo Answers are de facto entertainment sites and do not organize the knowledge they collect. YouTube, forums, chats and Facebook groups generate a chaotic storm of information. There is a need for a new type of website. Let's organize the Internet again.



ccFOUND solves (uberizes) the problem of knowledge and wisdom search similarly to Google – by polling the network – however not of computers, but of other people’s minds. As the only one of aforementioned portals, it monetizes knowledge in a multi-faceted manner and helps people who specialize in a given subject to earn money on it. It allows asking paid questions; inserting paywalls in published responses, news and analyzes; publishing paid e-books, online courses, webinars, and reports; organizing events, trainings and conferences; collecting patrons and donors with access to closed groups and communities.


ccFOUND automatically builds a knowledge base and scales by machine translation of all content into all languages, making each question, response and comment immediately appear in all search engines in each country.

Google was not created to help you search for wisdom The company that creates the new Wisdom Search Tool will win on the market!

But it will actually be a second layer solution over the search engines we know today. Google can’t advise you. Other people do. It is people who create content for other people. Google connects you to computers. ccFOUND connects you to real people.
ccFOUND will gradually decentralize until it becomes a true DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) with processes independent of central management. ccFOUND issues a FOUND Coin and already carried out a private sale of 14.5% of them, generating $1,35M from 287 investors, preceding a crowdfunding campaign consisting of 280 days of auctions. ccFOUND economy has been designed so that FOUND Coins generate tokends in the form of a commission from transaction profits. This FOUND Coin is designed to grow in value through internal demand and the burning of coins.


The parent company, Cryptography Research LTD, generates $44.7 per registered user by selling information products, which is the basis for the following sales estimate. ccFOUND will charge min. 20% commission on sales (estimated 25%). ccFOUND pays FOUND Coin holders half of the commission in the form of tokends.

ccFOUND will become the most popular education portal in the world.

ccFOUND uberizes knowledge and wisdom searches by polling the network - not of computers, but of other people’s minds.


It allows paid questions to be asked; inserting paywalls in published responses, news and analyses; publishing paid e-books, online courses, webinars, and reports; organizing events, trainings and conferences; collecting patrons and donors with access to closed groups and communities.


ccFOUND will translate all questions and answers into every other language - back and forth. Thus, it will become a place for worldwide wisdom sharing, allowing people in Japan to answer questions from Brazil, or people in Germany to read what Koreans have to share. The community will ensure translation quality through planned DAO mechanisms, rewarding members who correct translations with Knowledge Currency and reputation points.


That way ccFOUND will be visible in all the search engines around the world.

The First DAO Knowledge Platform

ccFOUND will gradually decentralize and give the power back to the people. It’s also the first online space allowing creators to both build their community and monetize traffic in the same place!


64.5% Coins for sale
14.5% for private sale
50% for public sale
35.5% Coins not for sale
15.5% retained by the issuer
20% is intended to buy the project from initial sponsor


2019 Q3, Q4 : Cryptography Research LTD created initial DAO specification and invested in MVP
2020 Q1, Q2, Q3 : Alpha version, UI/UX tests, ICO development, legal consultations, new MVP design
2020 Q4 : Private coin sale
2021 Q2 : Public ICO in the model of 40 weeks of daily auctions, 1,25% FOUND Coins per week
2021 Q3 : New design, public beta version
2021 Q4 : Implementation and testing of the monetization and DAO voting mechanisms
2022 Q1 : Full monetization of the portal, gradual decentralization, stimulation of the community to shape the organizational culture of the


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Forum Username: CaCO3
Forum Account Link:;u=2884658
Telegram Username: @Morinhon
Bsc wallet: 0xD2D50b38efb3F21c32A995d64AE36791d368890B

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