Fotografía de alimento.

in ccsfoodphotography •  last year 


Tequeños(queso salado envuelto, con una harina especial), suaves y crujientes con queso un poco salado, como tambien le podemls agregar chocolate o otro tipo de ingrediente, el cual nos permite transportarnos a la cultura de donde son, sobre todo si lo comes con una salsa especial, Salsa de ajo, siempre ten la cultura de estar abierto a nuevas desgustaciones.
Fotografía tomada con un Samsung.


Tequeños (salted cheese wrapped with a special flour), soft and crunchy with slightly salty cheese, as well as adding chocolate or another type of ingredient, which allows us to transport ourselves to the culture where they are from, especially if you eat it. with a special sauce, Garlic Sauce, always have the culture of being open to new tastings. Photograph taken with a Samsung.

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