[ENG-ESP] Celebrating friendship day with my best friends // Celebrando el dia de la amistad con mis mejores amigos

in celebrando •  4 years ago 

Hi friends! On July 20, the day of the friend was celebrated here in Argentina, many groups of friends got together to celebrate it in bars and squares, since the day was super beautiful! It was not cold, it was sunny, there was no smoke, really beautiful. But in my place, I did not want to risk being in places with many people, I am still quite fearful about the covid issue, and I made it known to my friends. So I decided to party at home!

Hola amigos! el dia 20 de julio se celebró el dia del amigo aquí en argentina, muchos grupos de amigos se juntaron a celebrarlo en bares y plazas, ya que el dia estuvo super hermoso! no hizo frio, estuvo soleado, no habia humead, realmente hermoso. Pero en mi lugar, no quise arriesgarme a estar en lugares con muchas personas, sigo bastante temerosa con el tema del covid, y se lo hice saber a mis amigos. Asi que decidí festejar en casa!


Well, first, my Augustinian friend invited me to celebrate at her house the day before, July 19, because she knew that July 20 would be quite busy. So we got together for pizza and snacks

Bueno, primero mi amiga agustina me invitó a festejar en su casa el dia anterior, 19 de julio, porque sabia que el dia 20 de julio iba a estar bastante ocupada. Asi que nos juntamos a comer pizza y tomar aperitivos


We started together a series, of two seasons, and we finished it super late at dawn! so I stayed to sleep at her house, on a mattress on the floor, and with her 3 cats on top.

Comenzamos juntas una serie, de dos temporadas, y la acabamos super tarde de madrugada! asi que me quedé a dormir en su casa, en un colchón en el suelo, y con sus 3 gatos encima.


I returned home very early the next day, and sent a message to my Ivan to see if he wanted to have breakfast with me at home. He quickly told me yes! So I prepared some stuffed croissants, scrambled egg with toast with butter, and of course the inevitable mate. He brought an orange juice to complete the delicious breakfast.

Regresé el día siguiente muy temprano a mi casa, y le envié un mensaje a mi Ivan a ver si queria desayunar conmigo en casa. Rapidamente me dijo que sí! asi que preparé unas medialunas rellenas, huevo revuelto con tostadas con manteca, y por supuesto el infaltable mate. Èl trajo un jugo de naranja, para completar el delicioso desayuno.


While we had breakfast, my mother was like an octopus cooking many things at the same time. She doesn't know how to accept help, so I just didn't invade her and ask her what her plans were. It turns out that she was going to meet at home with my aunts and her comadre. So since my friend Laura was still celebrating with friends elsewhere, I decided that the best thing would be for me to stay home celebrating with them, who in addition to being my family, are my great friends and companions.

Mientras desayunabamos mi madre estaba como un pulpo cocinando muchisimas cosas a la vez. Ella no sabe aceptar ayuda, asi que yo me limité a no invadirla y preguntarle cuales eran sus planes. Resulta que se iba a juntar en casa con mis tias y su comadre. Asi que como mi amiga Laura aun estaba festejando con amigas en otro lado, decidí que lo mejor seria que me quede en casa festejando con ellas, que ademas de ser mi familia, son mis grandes amigas y compañeras.



My mom is an excellent cook, much of what I know is thanks to her. Her menu was cheese and onion empanadas, and cheese and pumpkin empanadas. Also, the main course was beer bondiola! look how it looks and salivate thinking about its great taste.

Mi mamá es una excelente cocinera, mucho de lo que yo sé es gracias a ella. Su menú fue empanadas de cebolla y queso, y empanadas de calabaza y queso. Ademas, el plato fuerte fue bondiola a la cerveza! miren la pinta que tiene y saliven pensando en su gran sabor.

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I had a great friend's day, as a family! we had a lot of fun, we talked about everything, childhood, adulthood, we also cried a little remembering moments. But I certainly enjoyed it to the fullest.

Pasé un gran dia del amigo, en familia! nos divertimos muchisimos, hablamos de todo, infancia, adultez, tambien lloramos un poco recordando momentos. Pero sin duda lo dusfruté al maximo.

Thank you very much for reading my post!
a kiss and a hug, heypuch ♥

Muchas gracias por leer mi post! un beso y un abrazo, heypuch ♥

todas las fotos son de mi autoria

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