Celebrities Are Not Your Friends

in celebrity •  7 years ago 

Hollywood is a cesspool.

The industry is filled to the brim with professional liars – both in front and behind the cameras. The recent scandals surrounding Weinstein, the “MeToo” hashtag, and surfaced Kevin Spacey pedophilia allegations makes it difficult to find any virtuous quality left in that town. (Don’t even get me started on Meryl Streep).

However, so many people will fight tooth and nail to defend the honor of their favorite celebrity. The most common argument used in various conversations I’ve had with people who are normally glued to the movie screens and gossips rags is: “but they’re conservative”. As if appearing on Fox News is a badge of honor. Names like James Woods, Rosanne, and Fabio – yes Fabio – get dropped on me and I’m supposed to be impressed, enlightened, and relieved. There are still “good” celebrities in the world. Right?

Well, I dug a little deeper into these so-called “conservative” personalities and I didn’t feel relieved. In fact, this newbie-Truther-in-training noticed a few disturbing patterns and I barely scratched the surface.

Rosanne’s main virtue, aside from her vocal support for Trump, is the fact she backed Cathy O'Brien and gave the whistleblower some spotlight.

James Woods openly opposes The Clintons, Podesta, and liberals on Twitter while backing Trump.

Fabio bashes liberal California, the state’s governor, and says conservative phrases on camera for Fox News segments.

The problem is that all these puppets are doing is tricking the public into believing in the two-party paradigm presented to the people by a corrupt government. All the people fed up with the system, who want to drain the swamp, hear these famous names echoing their sentiments and get sucked into the whirlpool created by the same propaganda machine.

Rosanne gained legitimacy by supporting Cathy O'Brien BUT it was a safe move. After all, O'Brien was protected as a whistleblower by Congress and the CIA already neutralized the damage her book and lectures caused by utilizing their hold on the mainstream media to make sure the stories about MK Ultra didn’t get proper coverage. Go out on the streets and ask people if they know who Cathy O'Brien is and most of them will give you blank stares.

The deflection and deceit? Rosanne gets a revival of her old show, where she will be an avid Trump supporter. Reeling the sheeple right back into the “Deep State” system.

James Wood’s outspokenness is building so much momentum there is talk of him running for governor of California. If this trespasses, it ushers in an era of celebrity-turned-politicians elected based on popularity over merit. An element present in almost every YA dystopian novel on the shelves at Barnes & Noble, but no one bats an eyelash. And let’s not forget the fact that good ol’ James starred in the film version of the McMartin trial as the sleazy defense lawyer. Strange coincidence, right? A fact he never brings up when he is digging on Podesta on twitter. In fact, though aware of SRA he never mentions it, or its significance to Pedogate. Speaking of which, James hasn’t had his verification taken away, or in any way banned from the Twitter platform. Another piece of the puzzle to consider. Insult Chrissy Teigen, link her to pedophilia, and BAM! Twitter slams users with repercussions. James Woods? Not so much. Maybe he thinks no one will remember films from 1995.

– (Indictment: The McMartin Trial Trailer)

But hey, Fabio will vote for James.

Fabio – the beefcake of all beefcakes that casts some sort of spell on the female population - young and old – all over the world. It amazed me how more venomous the arguments became to defend this so-called patriot. The more I looked into the model-turned-actor, the more I realized the guy is as Fascist as they come.

First, he goes on Fox News to bash liberals and defend the second amendment. This sucks people in and convinces them that he is on their side. That Fabio of all people cares about your rights and prosperity.

Look beneath the surface and there are a few shady things that pop up with his history, past and present.

He owns a 500-acre piece of land in the wilds of Washington State, 45 minutes from Portland, OR. Portland, one of the major trafficking hubs in the country*. 500 acres that he boasts has a waterfall and lake. 500 acres, the size of an average shopping mall, is where he claims to want to build his “dream house”. Do you need 500 acres for that? Ironically, the article showcasing this was done by none other than The Washington Post. Hmm….


Video version: http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/style/2015/12/23/fabio/?utm_term=.9c8fcbfb2193

(And funny isn’t it? Anyone familiar with the satanic aspects of Pedogate and Occult symbols in general will undoubtedly notice the shot of the goats near the end of the video. Yup, just had to have that homage thrown in, right?)

Know what pops into the mind of a Truther researching Pedogate/Pizzagate when they hear about someone owning a huge forest? Human hunts. Common in satanic cults, where children are hunted like dogs in the woods at night, beaten, raped, and even sacrificed. I’m am in no way accusing Fabio of doing such things, but add in the fact he owns this vast property, under an hour from a major trafficking city, and I start to scratch my head and ask questions. What else is this “beefcake” involved in?

Fabio is famous for claiming America is “the greatest nation in the world”, praising freedom and telling people to hold on to their 2nd amendment rights. On the surface, it all sounds good. He sounds like a patriot, right? Well, why in a 2017 interview on the Deborah Kobylt show did he openly say that corporations should run the government? Doesn’t he know that it the very definition of fascism? Something he claims he fled Italy to escape?

(Timestamp: 24:28)

Usually, hypocrites lose credibility the more they talk. But this show is propping the guy up to run for office? Just what America needs – another fascist in the governor mansion?

What else is suspicious about Fabio? Just look up his credits on IMDB. Ties to Nickelodeon with Big Time Rush, where he has skits with only kids. Sharknado 5 – where he plays none other than The Pope and wears the hat of Nimrod. But nothing to see here, huh? How about a cameo in the first Zoolander film? In and of itself, not a big deal. However, the occultism symbolism is heavy in those films and Fabio is openly called “an operative” for the representative secret council in the movie. A stupid one, at that, but with the movie industry hiding the truth in plain sight, it should make Truthers want to ask more questions or dig a little deeper.

And perhaps the biggest link of all? His former agent is none other than Peter Paul. An ex-con turned lawyer directly linked to the corruption stemming from Hillary Clinton’s fundraiser for her 2000 Senate run where she was forced pay $35,000 in fines.

Peter Paul openly admits his connection to Hillary’s corruption and we see a photo of him with Fabio. Then we see Fabio with none other than The Clintons.

(Timestamps 30:15-30:51)

For more on Peter Paul

Are we to believe it is all just coincidence? Or is there no such thing as coincidence? That despite the fact Fabio is surrounded by crooks and says questionable statements, we are supposed to swoon? Hate to break it to my fellow women, but the guy is pushing sixty. He’s not getting married and he isn’t having kids. It’s all part of the shtick.

It’s all connected. Hollywood’s elite are people we should be wary of and criticize under a microscope. No one should be getting in line to worship these liars. Any personality pushed by the media should automatically raise flags.

Before you take to social media to defend the people the Powers That Shouldn’t Be set up to distract the populace, research and ask questions. Don’t be fooled by a pretty face or a list of film credits. Just because someone is popular doesn’t make them wise, or fabulous, or even moral. Fame, vanity, narcissism – it all leads to folly. In the end, celebrities aren’t your friends and they don’t care about you. The face they put on for the cameras is in so many ways just a mask used to deceive. Don’t fall for it. Question everything.


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Thank you! I am very new to this platform and am still figuring out how to use it.

Lately, I have been waking up and noticing so many disturbing symbols and agendas associated with things I used to love.

As a writer, I started to write about what I noticed and before long needed a new outlet.

I see so many people excusing bad behavior of "celebrities" for no other reason that the fact they are famous. As a society, we shouldn't be thinking that way. I hope to encourage more people to truly think for themselves.