Daily celestial challenge - Wednesday - Structures/How to be neotemplario today and the spiritual search in the West

in celestialchallenge •  7 years ago 

How to be neotemplario today and the spiritual search in the West

Friends and dear brothers I wanted to share in this opportunity a photo of the building where a neotemplario convention was held, and translated for you in an article by A. Almazán where he talks about this convention, when finishing this post I will add the respective sources.

This text is part of the lecture given by frey Patrick Emile Bracco in Sigüenza within the commemorative events of the 870th Anniversary of the foundation of the Order of the Temple, year of 1988 of the Christ era; events organized by the Spanish Grand Priorate of the Sovereign and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTJ). In this meeting were present the great priors of Spain, Scotland and Scandinavia. There were also delegates from the priorates of Hungary, England, France and Germany.
Patrick Emile Bracco was, at that time, commander and nuncio of the OSMTJ of Spain in France, Representative of the Commandery of the Ore Lands, and representative in Nice, Paris, Montpellier, Toulon and Limoges-Poitiers.

In our opinion, the guiding spirit of this dissertation by Bracco reflects what different investigators of the Temple and the neoclassicist neotemplarism estimate what was possibly beating in the authentic and oral (not written) "Secret Statutes of the Temple".
Note the criticism he makes of many neotemplarial groups and even members of the OSMTJ itself not immersed in that "Templar spirit" that he exposes. Also, see his repeated insistence on the subsistence of a Christian esotericism within the Temple and of his constant presence of God, the Glory of whose Name the Temple raised its currency and action.

The conference took place on October 1, the eve of San Saturio. I reiterate, for my part, that I have never been part of any neotemplar association, although as a journalist specializing in these subjects I have attended some neotemplarias celebrations as a guest and even a lecturer.


In our days, throughout Europe or America, there is a flourishing of Templar movements, as if the fact of adding the word Temple or Templar to any group would suffice to give it title.
It is true that in the bosom of some of these groups there is a true Christian chivalrous spirit. But next to this, how many pathological manifestations can we witness?
I will not talk about these brave "Templars" who have nothing more than the appearance of guardians of cemeteries in charge of carrying out the plan of the graves, or even of these historical hyper-specialists, more library rats than real men of the field. In all these cases, the Templar spirit is far away. But in what terms can we define the Templar spirit today?
When accepted as a Templar, the latter had to comply with certain obligations of the Temple Rule, which were: obedience, chastity, poverty, fraternity, hospitality and service to armies. Let's not forget that the Temple was a monastic order and that its members had to follow its rules in a strict manner.
The Templar spirit rested on them and their respect represented a sublime bet where honor and faith had equal parts.
This spirit animated the men who were to be, at the same time, holy heroes, speculators and men of action, administrators and war chiefs. They had to accept, moreover, that personal action served the community and not the reputation of a man, no matter how high he was in the hierarchy. And even more than the glory of the Temple, serve the glory of God. It was about being worthy of the white cloak and worthy of himself, knowing how to conduct himself in this world of illusions as a true servant of Christ.
But today, how can one, on the one hand, reconcile these obligations with profane life and, on the other hand, defend the Christian ideal in a world where indifference reigns?
Our current Order does not have a monastic vocation, just as the obligations of the Templar must be interpreted carefully. The world and things have evolved since the twelfth century, it is also necessary to know how to adapt these rules.
Chastity should not be an absence of carnal relationship with the beloved, but rather an escape from all impurity and all unhealthy relief.

Try to rediscover the true meaning of physical love, giving it its place as in affable love, a fusion of two human beings not only for a moment, but for a lifetime.
Poverty: it is not a matter here of committing the Knights to absolute poverty, but to make them understand that in a moment everything can be lost in life, but the real wealth is not in the external goods, but in what is in the heart.
It is necessary to know also, and this concerns two other obligations that are fraternity and hospitality, that the Templar must know how to share with his brother less fortunate than him (remember the symbolism of two templars on the same horse) and that he should know open your door and your heart to the wretches you may find on your way.

Obedience: when entering into an order, whatever it may be, the first of the commandments is obedience. Obedience and respect for the rules are the only means of maintaining the structures of an organism in function, without anarchy is installed and we have too many examples around us to want to follow them.
Service to the armies: the Order of the Temple is not here to fight in a physical way; we do not carry a sword or armor; it is not a matter of restoring any military commitment. But remember that, in case of conflict, we have chosen a spiritual ideal, and that this ideal would need to know how to defend it with weapons in hand if necessary.
I fear that many Brothers, present or absent, have not pondered in a sufficiently serious way the weight of their commitment in our Order. How many have not been seduced except by the appearance, the bearing of the white mantle, the title of Knight, but the acts, the facts, where are they? What have they done for the Order in general and for its evolution in particular?
If a Knight is not born, one can, nevertheless, become one, and to do so one must take and follow a certain path that begins with an initiation. This initiation will allow the profane man who wants to enter the Temple, to separate himself from external constraints and from his personal history. It will move away from its immediate, limited and obtuse environment by trusting the Universe and Humanity all, giving it a sacred dimension.
The meaning of this invariable ceremony is to help the new Brother face the anguish provoked by a deep and permanent commitment. This ceremony, lived by those who obtain the title and by the Brothers, creates a bond between the adepts and, if it is lived intensely, it can provoke an authentic communion.
We understand that these initial ceremonies are very important in the sense that they proclaim a desire to awaken the sleeping man and make him aware of a possible superior state, which was one of the missions of the true Temple.
We, who have chosen the path of the Templar Cavalry, know that the goal that we have set ourselves is not the Terrestrial Jerusalem, but the Celestial Jerusalem.

To do acts of charity or to have irreproachable moral conduct, it is not necessary to enter the Temple. In our case, this must be the direct consequence of a much higher ranked search. It is necessary, then, to understand that the Temple is also the vehicle of an esoteric search for each Knight, and the synthesis of this search is the formation of a crossroads of primordial civilizations and spiritual currents, whose participants would become Guardians of Tradition, transmitted by esoteric route from the primitive Christianity (we understand thus better the relations between the Templars and the Muslims during the Crusades, much more made of mutual understanding than of betrayal of Christianity on the part of the former).
Let's keep the spirit open to difference and practice tolerance, so we can already have a state of mind suitable for a more subtle understanding of things.
When it begins to exist, man wonders about the meaning of his life; unfortunately the answers he brings to these questions are vague and unsatisfactory, and he is forced to content himself with opinions, of belief or of faith. The meaning of this true existential search will only be given by an inner path, guided at the same time by Faith, the will to achieve marked achievement and intuition; three indispensable qualities for any temporary or spiritual success.
The Templar current is one of the great Western ways that has carried in its midst the means to develop this spiritual search and, beyond this simple search, has proposed to the truly worthy Templars a much more important accomplishment ... Who has ears that hears ...
We have said that our goal was the conquest of the Heavenly Jerusalem, which each one takes in the deepest part of himself and that will allow him, if he succeeds in conquering it, to transcend the simple mortal state that he had until that moment. To confirm this, let's look at the symbol that we carry on the left shoulder: it is a cross, without the crucified man, and not by it directly and only linked to Christianity, but to a much earlier tradition that believed that fallen man was closely tied to the four elements of the manifestation and that only by the center of this cross could the chosen and worthy man be selected with the righteous to the right of the Eternal Father.
Understand, my Brothers, that the Temple offers this possibility to those who have enough courage, will and perseverance to undertake and maintain such a path, but the result at the end is worthy of the grace that God has allowed us to be here, so let's not forget that this work is not done only in a selfish sense, but also, and above all, by the Greatest Glory of God: "Non nobis, domine, non nobis sed nomini tuo da gloriam".


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Thanks to @sirknight

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