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Glad your avocado sprouting worked out :D We tried the spearing method and put them in paper cups but after a while the kids forgot to water them. I kept it up for a litte while and then I forgot about them and then we had to get rid of the poor things XD Might just throw the seeds into a pot or the ground next time it occurs to us to do so and see what happens, it will probably have better luck than me trying to sprout it (I don't think I could garden to save my life really DX which is why it's the partner's dominion!)


Yes, it takes time for sprouting

I do so on other plants that I know needed to be sprouted first

But it worked just fine for avocado to be planted directly apparently 😁

I also just had success sprouting avocado seeds! It's super exciting isn't it?!

Yes indeed!

I wonder if it really gonna give me fruit in 2 years 😂